The Harbinger of Chaos | HP x MCU - Chapter 15 - AmandaParis - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

[At an airport Zemo listens to a phone message.:]

Zemo's Wife: He asked me again if you were going to be there. I said I wasn't sure. You should've seen his little face. Just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you.

[Frowning Zemo ends the call. A TV news report is playing nearby:]

News anchor #5: James Barnes, der mit dem Bombenanschlag auf die UN in Wien in Verbindung gebracht wird, ist heute aus der Haft entflohen. Ebenfalls vermisst werden die Avengers Captain Steve Rogers und Sam Wilson. ([subtitled:] James Barnes, the suspect in the UN Vienna bombing escaped custody today. Also missing Avenger Captain Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson.)

[Zemo eyes the TV screen. He stands in line at a departures gate. The screen above the gate reads: 'Gate 06 | Berlin Flughafen | AEM2103 | 14:10 | Moskau/Moscow']

People frown.

[In a huge abandoned warehouse Bucky comes to with his metallic left arm clamped in a huge industrial vice. Steve and Ivanna peer through a gap at a chopper flying overhead. Sam's over by Bucky.]

Sam Wilson: Hey, Cap!

[Steve goes over to join Sam by Bucky who sits with his arm in the vice. They stare at him.]

Bucky Barnes: Steve.

Steve Rogers: Which Bucky am I talking to?

Bucky Barnes: Your mom's name was Sarah...You used to wear newspapers in your shoes.

"pretty name" hummed Luna.

Steve Rogers: Can't read that in a museum.

Sam Wilson: Just like that, we're suppose to be cool?

"Yes" said Luna.

Bucky Barnes: What did I do?

Steve Rogers: Enough.

Bucky Barnes: Oh, God, I knew this would happen. Everything HYDRA put inside me is still there. All he had to do was say the goddamn words.

Steve Rogers: Who was he?

Bucky Barnes: I don't know.

Steve Rogers: People are dead. The bombing, the setup. The doctor did all that just to get 10 minutes with you. I need you to do better than "I don't know."

Bucky Barnes: He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where.

Steve Rogers: Why would he need to know that?

Bucky Barnes: Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier.

"WHAT?!" Tony yelled shocked, he looked at Steve, who was as shocked as he was "there's more?" asked Natasha.

[1991, at night Bucky rides alongside the car and somehow causes the car to crash. He circles back, pulls up and climbs off the motorbike. he's filmed on CCTV as he approaches the car's trunk. He janks it open, breaking the lock. Inside he opens a metal case which contains five clear drip bags filled with bright blue fluid.]

[Four young men and a young woman sit up in hospital beds. The blue fluid is fed intravenously into their arms. The drip bags hang on stands beside them. They're all fit and muscular. One man, Josef, flexes a huge biceps. Josef is screaming, dragged into a cell and left on a bed.]

Josef / Super Soldier #1: It hurts!

[He struggles in leather bindings. A viewing slot is closed.]

[Karpov is sitting at a desk in a corridor, making notes and listening. Karpov opens the door to a lab and switches on the light. Josef is sitting on a bed. He looks up at Karpov.]

[Bucky and Josef fight each other in a barred chamber. The four others who were given the blue liquid are there. Josef kicks with enormous power, sending Bucky flying. Watching Karpov folds his arms.]

The younger students cover their eyes while the Avengers are shocked that someone defeated Bucky.

Vasily Karpov: Очень хорошо, Иосиф. ([subtitled] Good work.)

[A medic takes Josef's pulse and Josef slams him onto the floor. A soldier clubs Josef onto the back with no effect. Karpov gets behind Bucky and aims a gun.]

Vasily Karpov: Солдат, вытащи меня отсюда! ([subtitled] Get me out of here.)[Josef and the other four Winter Soldiers effortlessly dispatch a squad of Soldiers. Bucky escorts covering Karpov from the barred chamber, batting guards aside.]

Steve Rogers: Who were they?

Bucky Barnes: Their most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in HYDRA history. And that was before the serum.

Sam Wilson: They all turn out like you?

Bucky Barnes: Worse.

Steve Rogers: The doctor, could he control them?

Bucky Barnes: Enough.

Steve Rogers: Said he wanted to see an empire fall.

Bucky Barnes: With these guys he could do it. They speak over 30 languages, can hide in plain sight, infiltrate, assassinate, destabilize, They can take a whole country down in one night. You'd never see them coming.

Sam Wilson: [Sam steps up to Steve.] This would have been a lot easier a week ago.

"That is would've been" said Natasha.

Steve Rogers: If we call Tony . . .

Sam Wilson: No, he won't believe us.

Steve Rogers: Even if he did . . .

Sam Wilson: Who knows if the Accords would let him help.

Steve Rogers: We're on our own.

Sam Wilson: Maybe not. I know a guy.


[We're back to the farmhouse, Alex is in her room pacing before walking downstairs and talking to Laura.]

"I thought you'd dig a hole to China" said Laura.

Alex Barton: I can't do this, I can't stay here. I'm calling Mel.

"Fair" said Natasha.

[Alex grabs her phone and scrolled through the contacts clicking on 'Melinda"Mel" May-Coulson']

"Wait May was married to Coulson?" asked Tony in shock.

"Yeah" said Natasha.

Melinda May-Coulson: (V.O) Hey what's Al?

Alex Barton: I need to come over for a while.

Melinda May-Coulson: (V.O) I'll come get you.

Alex Barton: Thank you.


[We're back at the CIA(?) with Tony and Natasha and Ross.]

Secretary Ross: I don't suppose you have any idea where they are?

Tony Stark: We will. GSG-9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it.

Secretary Ross: You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle. It's clear you can't be objective. I'm putting Special Ops on this.

Natasha Romanoff: What happens when the shooting starts? What, you gonna kill Steve Rogers?

Secretary Ross: If we're provoked. Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math.

Tony Stark: All due respect, you're not going to solve this with boys in bullets, Ross. You gotta let us bring them in.

Secretary Ross: How would that end any differently from the last time?

Tony Stark: Because this time, I won't be wearing loafers and a silk shirt. 72 hours, guaranteed.

"good" said Natasha frowning slightly at Tony and Steve.

Secretary Ross: 36 hours. Barnes. Rogers. Wilson.

Tony Stark: Thank you, sir. [Tony slumps, exhaling.] My left arm is numb, is that normal?

"I don't think so" said Alex.

Natasha Romanoff: [She pats him on the shoulder.] You alright?

Tony Stark: Always. [He has a massive black eye and a cut on his brow.] 36 hours, jeez.

Natasha Romanoff: We're seriously understaffed.

Tony Stark: Oh, yeah. It'd be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?

"I really wouldn't be on your side Tony" said Bruce. Tony nods "I know"

Natasha Romanoff: No. You really think he'd be on our side?

Tony Stark: No.

Natasha Romanoff: I have an idea.

Tony Stark: Me too. Where's yours?

Natasha Romanoff: Downstairs. Where's yours?

[Tony smiles slightly.]

[Queens, New York. Peter Parker walks out of an elevator holding a DVD-player and with a backpack on his shoulder. He walks into an apartment where his Aunt May is sitting on the couch with Tony Stark.]

Peter Parker: Hey, May.

May Parker: Mmm. Hey. How was school today? Al is in the guest room.

Peter Parker: Okay. This crazy car parked outside . . . [Peter sees Tony and his eyes widen.]

Tony Stark: Oh, Mr. Parker.

Peter Parker: Um . . . [He takes out his earphones.] What--what are you doing . . .? Hey! Uh, I'm--Im--I'm Peter.

Tony Stark: Tony.

Peter Parker: What are . . .what are you--what are you--what are you doing here?

Tony Stark: It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right?

"He got no idea what you're talking about" huffed Natasha.

Peter Parker: Yeah. Yeah.

Tony Stark: Right?

Peter Parker: Regarding the . . .

May Parker: You didn't tell me about the grant.

Peter Parker: About the grant.

Tony Stark: The September Foundation.

Peter Parker: Right.

Tony Stark: Yeah. Remember when you applied?

Natasha groaned "Tony you're stupid sometimes" Tony just grinned at her.

Peter Parker: Yeah.

Tony Stark: I approved, so now we're in business.

May Parker: You didn't tell me anything. What's up with that? You keeping secrets from me now?

Peter Parker: Why, I just, I just . . . I just know how much you love surprises, so I thought I would let you know . . . wh . . . anyway, what did I apply for?

Emerald just smacked Tony over the back off the head.

Tony Stark: That's what I'm here to hash out.

Peter Parker: Okay. Hash, hash out, okay.

Tony Stark: It's so hard for me to believe that she's someone's aunt.

Peter had a face of disgust on his face.

May Parker: Yeah, well, we come in all shapes and sizes, you know?

Alex and Emerald nodded in agreement.

Tony Stark: This walnut date loaf is exceptional.

Peter Parker: Let me just stop you there.

Tony Stark: Yeah?

Peter Parker: Is this grant, like, got money involved or whatever? No?

Tony Stark: Yeah.

Peter Parker: Yeah?

Tony Stark: It's pretty well funded.

Peter Parker: Wow.

Tony Stark: Look who you're talking to. Can I have 5 minutes with him?

May Parker: Sure.

Tony Stark: [In Peter's bedroom Tony bolts the door and spits out the walnut loaf.] As walnut date loaves go, that wasn't bad. [He notices Peter's collection of old computers.] Whoa, what do we have here? Retro tech, huh? Thrift store? Salvation Army?

Peter Parker: Uh, the garbage, actually.

Tony Stark: You're a dumpster diver.

Peter Parker: Yeah, I was . . . anyway, look, um, I definitely did not apply for your grant.

Tony Stark: Ah-ah! Me first.

Peter Parker: Okay.

"I'm stealing you" announced Natasha "what?" asked Peter and Emerald in sync.

"Nat, you can't steal someone" said Clint "fine" huffed Natasha.

Tony Stark: Quick question of the rhetorical variety. [He pulls out his phone which projects a video of Peter Parker in his Spider-Man outfit.] That's you, right?

"Cool" said Ginny. Peter felt the stares of other girls and Emerald glared at them, she was in love with Peter Parker.

Peter Parker: Um, no. What do you. What do you mean?

Tony Stark: Yeah. Look at you go. Wow! Nice catch. 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour. That's not easy. You got mad skills.

Peter Parker: That's all- That's all on YouTube, though, right? I mean, that's where you found that? Because you know that's all fake. It's all done on the computer.

Tony Stark: Mm-Hmm.

Peter Parker: It's like that video. What is it?

Tony Stark: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah . . . oh, you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix?

Peter Parker: Exactly.

Tony Stark: Oh, what have we here?

Peter Parker: [Peter hides his Spider-Man suit.] Uh . . . that's a . . .Tony Stark: So. You're the . . . Spider . . . ling. Crime-fighting Spider . . .you're Spider-Boy?

Peter Parker: [Peter folds his arms petulantly.] S . . . Spider-Man.

Tony Stark: Not in that onesie, you're not.

Peter Parker: It's not a onesie. [Tony picks up the suit.] I don't believe this. I was actually having a real good day today, you know, Mr. Stark. Didn't miss my train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there and . . . Algebra test. Nailed it!

Tony Stark: Who else knows? Anybody?

Peter Parker: Nobody.

Tony Stark: Not even your . . . unusually attractive aunt?

"Eww" said Peter.

Peter Parker: No. No, no. No, no. If she knew, she would freak out. And when she freaks out, I freak out, causing Emerald to want to kill whoever freaked May.

"Emerald?" asked Natasha, Emerald just smiled at her mother innocently

Tony Stark: Emerald?

Peter Parker: Red head?

Tony Stark: Like ready to murder, basically a mini Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff?

Emerald just smiles at Tony he was right she was a mini Clint and Natasha.

Peter Parker: Well it makes sense that you'd know her.

"I suppose it would." said Tony.

Tony Stark: You know what I think is really cool? This webbing. That tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?

Peter Parker: I did.

Tony Stark: Climbing the walls, how you doing that? Adhesive gloves?

Peter Parker: It's a long story. I was uh . . .

Tony Stark: Lordy! Can you even see in these?

Peter Parker: Yes. Yes, I can! I can. I can-I can see in those. Okay? It's just that... when whatever happened, happened . . . it's like my senses have been dialed to 11. There's way too much input, so . . . they just kinda help me focus.

Tony Stark: You're in dire need of an upgrade. Systemic, top to bottom. 100-point restoration. That's why I'm here. [Peter sits on his bed and looks at Tony.] Why you doing this? I gotta know. What's your MO? What gets you outta that twin bed in the morning?

Peter Parker: Because . . . [he fiddles with his fingers] because l've been me my whole life, and l've had these powers for 6 months.

Tony Stark: Mm-Hmm.

Peter Parker: I read books, I build computers . . . and--and yeah. I would love to play football. But I couldn't then so I shouldn't now.

Tony Stark: Sure, because you're different.

Peter Parker: Exactly. But I can't tell anybody that, so I'm not. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't . . . [Tony leans closer.] and then the bad things happen . . . they happen because of you.

"Wise" hummed Natasha

"I steal plan on stealing and keeping you one day little spider" said Natasha.

Clint looked at his wife who grinned innocently

Tony Stark: [he looks affected by Peter's words.] So you wanna look out for the little guy? You wanna do your part? Make the world a better place, all that, right?

Peter Parker: Yeah. Yeah just looking out . . . for the little guy. That's--that's what it is.

Tony Stark: [He slowly steps over to Peter whose leg is stretched out on the bed. Tony looks down at it.] I'm gonna sit here, so you move the leg. [Peter moves along. Tony sits beside him and raises his hand. He hesitantly clasps Peter's shoulder.] You got a passport?

Peter Parker: Uh, no. I don't even have a driver's license.

Tony Stark: You ever been to Germany?

"Sorry kid shouldn't have involved you in that fight" said Tony.

Peter just shrugged.

Peter Parker: No.

Tony Stark: Oh, you'll love it.

Peter Parker: I can't go to Germany!

Tony Stark: Why?

Peter Parker: I got . . . homework.

Some students blink several times and Lavender sighs, she's started to fall for the young boy.

Emerald glares at her which causes Peter to snort at Emerald's possessiveness over him, it actually amused him.

Tony Stark: I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that.

Peter Parker: I'm---I'm being serious! I can't just drop out of school!

"No-one should drop out of school" said Molly softly, causing some people to nod in agreement.

Tony Stark: Might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a field trip.

Peter Parker: [He webs Tony's hand to the door.] Don't tell Aunt May.

Tony Stark: Alright, Spider-Man. [They share an earnest look before Tony returns to his usual attitude.] Get me out of this.

Peter Parker: Sorry, I'll get the . . .

[Night, at Avengers' HQ. Vision floats above the floor. An explosion in the distance lights up the room for a moment. Vision, Emerald and Wanda look out of the window.]

Wanda Maximoff: What is it?

Vision: Stay here, please.

[Vision goes. Suddenly Emerald compels a knife across the room. It stops dead in front of Clint's head.]

Some people jumped, some were shocked at the fact that Clint didn't care there was a knife at his forehead, ready to strike at any moment.

"You could've killed him" screeched Lily.

"Yeah I doubt it" said Emerald snapping at her so called mother.

[Clint pushes the knife aside. Emerald walks over quickly and hugs him.]

"How did you not care?" asked Hermione shocked.

"I've had worse" said Clint side-eyeing Natasha who grinned innocently at him, he just rolled his eyes.

James frowns it should be him Emerald does that too not that man.

Clint Barton: Guess I shoulda knocked.

Wanda Maximoff: Oh my god! What are you doing here?

Clint Barton: Disappointing Alex and Laura we're supposed to be in Hawaii with my wife, you know Nat and this one. [He shoots arrows to both sides of the room.] Cap needs our help. Come on.

"That would've been fun but anyway" said Alex shrugging like it didn't affect her, and it did very deeply how badly her parents relationship was during all that.

Vision: Clint! [Wanda, Emerald and Clint stop.] You should not be here.

Clint Barton: [He turns around.] Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to sh*t.

"What can we say, you're our lucky charm" said Tony shrugging.

Emerald Barton: You're the good luck charm.

[Wanda snorts.]

Vision: Please consider the consequences of your actions.

Clint Barton: Okay, they're considered. Okay, we gotta go. [Vision is held in a force field, crackling and sparkling between the two arrows.] It's this way.

Wanda Maximoff and Emerald Barton: We've caused enough problems.

"Maybe but you're still helpful" said Tony.

Clint Barton: [Frowning Clint runs back from the door.] You gotta help me, Wanda, Emerald. Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your arse. sh*t. [Vision breaks the force field with his mind stone. He punches Clint to the floor, Clint recovers quickly.] I knew I should've stretched. [He extends a baton and tries to hit Vision, but the blows go through him. Clint resorts to punches, then tries the baton again. It breaks. Clint tries to kick Vision, but his leg goes right through him. Vision gets Clint in a headlock.]

Vision: Clint, you can't overpower me.

Clint Barton: I know I can't. But they can.

Wanda Maximoff and Emerald Barton: Vision, that's enough. Let him go. We're leaving.

Vision: I can't let you.

Wanda Maximoff: [She holds her hands apart, glowing with energy. Clint slips from Vision's grasp.] I'm sorry.

Vision: [He falters.] If you do this . . . they will never stop being afraid of you both.

Wanda Maximoff and Emerald Barton: We can't control their fear, only our own.

"That's true" said Natasha.

[She moves closer. Vision glows from within and crashes through the floor, and several floors beneath. Wanda, Emerald and Clint stand over the holes in the floors.]

Clint Barton: Oh . . . come on. We got one more stop.

"Really? "Oh" is your response?" asked Natasha.

Clint just shrugged.

[Back at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre:]

Attache: It's just a matter of time. Our satellites are running facial, bio-metric, and behavioral pattern scans.

Security Chief: [to Natasha who's standing in their way] Move, or you will be moved.

Clint snorts "as if anyone could make you move"

Natasha leaned over and whispered "you could and you have done."

T'Challa: As entertaining as that would be . . .

Natasha Romanoff: You really think you can find him?

T'Challa: My resources are considerable.

Natasha Romanoff: Yeah, it took the world 70 years to find Barnes . . . so you could probably do that in about half the time.

T'Challa: You know where they are.

Natasha Romanoff: I know someone who does.

"you know a lot of people" said Alex.

Natasha shrugs it's true she had contacts everywhere.

[Under an overpass:]

Sharon Carter: Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car.

Steve Rogers: It's low profile.

Sharon Carter: Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd. [She opens the trunk of her car, revealing Steve's and Sams's gear.]

Bucky Barnes: [He sits behind Sam in the getaway car.] Can you move your seat up?

Sam Wilson: No.

People snort at the two men and their banter.

Steve Rogers: I owe you again.

Sharon Carter: Keeping a list. [She glances at Bucky.] You know, he kinda tried to kill me.

Steve Rogers: Sorry. I'll put it on the list, too. They're going to come looking for you.

People start laughing slightly.

Sharon Carter: I know.[They kiss.]

Steve Rogers: Thank you, Sharon.

Sharon Carter: That was . . .Steve Rogers: Late.

Sharon Carter: Damn right. I should go.

Steve Rogers: Okay.

[On the 6th level of a parking garage at the Leipzig/Halle airport. Steve drives into the parking lot in the battered, old car. He parks by a grey van and gets out.]

Clint Barton: Cap.

Steve Rogers: You know I wouldn't have called If I had any other choice.

Clint Barton: Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt.

Steve Rogers: Thanks for having my back.

Wanda Maximoff and Emerald Barton: It was time to get off my arse.

Steve Rogers: (to Emerald) Didn't you side with Stark?

"Yeah" Tony said frowning.

Emerald just grinned at him.

Emerald Romanoff: Last minute change of plans.

"No kidding" grumbled Tony.

Steve Rogers: (nods) How about our other recruit?

Clint Barton: He's rarin' to go. Had to put a little coffee in him, but... he should be good.

Scott Lang: What timezone is this?

"It's a German timezone so I don't know" said Emerald.

Clint Barton: Come on. Come on.

Scott Lang: [Scott shakes Steve's hand with an amazed look.] Captain America.

Steve Rogers: Mr. Lang.

Scott Lang: It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow! This is awesome! Captain America. [He looks at Wanda.] I know you, too. You're great! [He turns back and feels Steve's shoulders.] Jeez. Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so . . . thinks for thanking of me. [To Sam.] Hey, man!

Sam Wilson: What's up, Tic Tac?

Scott Lang: Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time when I . . .

Sam Wilson: It was a great audition, but it'll . . . it'll never happen again.

Scott and Sam share look before dying of laughter confusing people.

Steve Rogers: They tell you what we're up against?

Scott Lang: Something about some . . . psycho-assassins?

Steve Rogers: We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.

Scott Lang: Yeah, well, what else is new?

Bucky Barnes: We should get moving.

Clint Barton: We got a chopper lined up.

Man on PA #2: Dies ist eine Notsituation. Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren. (This is an emergency. All passengers must evacuate the airport immediately.)

Bucky Barnes: They're evacuating the airport.

Sam Wilson: Stark.

Scott Lang: Stark?

"You don't sound happy" said Alex.

"blame Hank Pym" said Scott.

"like Hank Pym as in Pym Particles Hank?" asked Alex to which Scott nodded.

"we need to see Hank again eventually" said Alex to her parents.

Steve Rogers: Suit up.

[Steve in his uniform strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for a grounded chopper. An electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up. Iron Man and War Machine decent.]

Tony Stark: Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?

James Rhodes: Definitely weird.

Steve Rogers: Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.

"You really should've listened to him" said Natasha softly.

Tony nodded in agreement.

T'Challa: [T'Challa leaps over a truck.] Captain.

Steve Rogers: Your highness.

Tony Stark: Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?

"No" said Alex rolling her eyes.

Steve Rogers: You're after the wrong guy.

Tony Stark: Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday.

Steve Rogers: And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.

"Is no-one questioning that?" asked Laura and Alex.

The Avengers looked at each other, that hadn't occurred to them.

Natasha Romanoff: Steve . . . you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?

[Natasha and Clint locked eyes before breaking eye contact. They were arguing, since the Accords. Natasha worked a lot, Alex missed her mother. The argument was big, they even stayed in different rooms. Alex was getting worried they might divorce. Emerald frowned at her parents.]

Alex frowned at Tony and Steve.

Emerald frowned at her parents, she didn't like it when they didn't get along.

Tony Stark: All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos! [Peter shoots a web, stealing Steve's shield and binding his hands.] Nice job, kid.

Natasha looked at Tony who avoided her gaze.

[Emerald looked up at Peter with a smirk, she knew it was Peter.]

"You knew it was him" said Alex.

Peter Parker: Thanks. Well, I could've stuck the landing a little better. It's just the new suit... Well, it's nothing, Mr. Stark. It's--it's perfect. Thank you.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation.

Peter Parker: Okay. Cap . . . Captain. Big fan, I'm Spider-Man.

Tony Stark: Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Just . . .

Peter Parker: Hey, everyone.

Tony Stark: . . . Good job.

Steve Rogers: You've been busy.

"So have you" retorted Tony.

Tony Stark: And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint. 'Rescuing' Emerald and Wanda from a place they don't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep . . . I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart.

"He's not wrong" said Natasha softly.

Steve couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Don't speak for us Stark, how'd you know we didn't want to leave the compound for all you know we did" said Emerald raising a very valid point.

Steve Rogers: You did that when you signed.

Tony Stark: Alright, We're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us. NOW! Because it's us! Or a squad of J-SOC guys . . . with no compunction about being impolite. [Steve looks aside.] Come on.

Sam Wilson: [He radios Steve.] We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway.

Steve Rogers: [Steve holds his hands up and Clint shoots the web off.] Alright, Lang.

Peter Parker: Hey, guys, something . . .

James Rhodes: Whoa. What--what the hell was that?

"How?" asked Hermione.

"Pym particles" said Alex knowing they wouldn't understand.

Scott Lang: [He retrieves Steve's shield.] I believe this is yours, Captain America.

Tony Stark: Oh, great. Alright, there's two on the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff and Romanoff, I'm gonna grab them. Rhodey, you want to take Cap?

James Rhodes: Got two in the terminal, Wilson and Barnes.

T'Challa: Barnes is mine!

Peter Parker: Hey, Mr. Stark, what should I do?

Tony Stark: What we discussed. Keep your distance. Web 'em up.

Peter Parker: Okay, copy that!

T'Challa: Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time.

Scott Lang: [He faces Natasha.] Look, I really don't want to hurt you.

Natasha raises an eyes brow.

Natasha Romanoff: I wouldn't stress about it.

[She kicks him in the groin and he miniaturises, throwing her head over heels. She zaps him off her wrist and he slams into a nearby truck, laving a small dent.]

People eye Natasha wearily.

Natasha just grins at them.

Emerald laughs at the men's faces.

Bucky Barnes: [In the terminal.] What the hell is that?

Sam Wilson: Everyone's got a gimmick now.

Peter Parker: [Peter swings through the glass wall and kicks Sam backwards. Bucky throws a punch, Peter catches his fist.] You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude! [Sam hits Peter.] You have the right to remain silent!

[Iron Man shoots rockets that explode just beyond Clint and Wanda.]

Natasha and Alex glare at Tony who flinches.

[Steve fights hand to hand with T'Challa. War Machine locks on.]

James Rhodes: Sorry, Cap. This won't kill you but it ain't gonna tickle either. [He smacks Steve's shield with a mace.]

Tony Stark: [Hovering above the ground.] Wanda, Emerald, I think you hurt Vision's feelings.

"What am I supposed to say "oops"?" asked Wanda sarcastically, tension was running high now for the Avengers once again.

Wanda Maximoff and Emerald Barton: You locked us in our rooms.

Tony Stark: Okay. First, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint.

People frowned, Emerald and Wanda knew, Tony just had Emerald and Wanda's best interests at heart but could've explained what he was doing to them so they understood.

Clint Barton: Hey, man.

Tony Stark: Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. You got tired of shooting golf?

Clint Barton: Well, I played 18, I shot 18. Just can't seem to miss. [He fires an arrow which Tony deflects.]

Tony Stark: First time for everything.

"You really think dad missed?" asked Alex.

Clint Barton: Made you look.

[Suddenly a car slams past Iron Man. He looks up as dozens more come crashing down. Wanda rows her glowing hands until Iron Man is buried under a pile of cars.]

"As you know dadnevermissesever" said Alex putting an emphasis on never and ever.

FRIDAY: Multiple contusions detected.

Tony Stark: Yeah, I detected that too.

[Peter wings through the rafters in the terminal, chasing Sam who flies backwards firing shots. Peter stops on a high beam.]

Peter Parker: Oh god. [Bucky throws something at him.] Hey buddy, I think you lost this!

[Peter throws it back. Sam kicks him off the beam and Peter fires a web which sends Sam crashing to the floor. Peter webs Sam's wrist to a balcony railing.]

Peter Parker: Those wings carbon fiber?

Sam Wilson: Is this stuff coming out of you?

"He's got a point Pete" said Emerald.

Justin, Lily and James frown at that.

Peter Parker: That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that's awesome, man.

Sam Wilson: I don't know if you've been a fight before but there's usually not this much talking.

Peter Parker: Alright, sorry, my bad.

[He swings down and Bucky jumps in the way. Bucky and Sam fall through the glass down onto the next floor and Peter webs them.]

Peter Parker: Guys, look. I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, so, l'm really sorry. [Redwing drags Peter through the glass wall.] Wwahhhh!

Bucky Barnes: You couldn't have done that earlier?

Sam Wilson: I hate you.

People laugh at the two.

[Outside Steve kicks War Machine out of the air, then sends T'Challa reeling. War Machine's mace is broken.]

James Rhodes: Great.

People snort at Rhodey's sarcasm.

Scott Lang: Hey, Cap, heads up! [He throws Steve a miniature truck.] Throw it at this. Now! [Steve throws it and the truck enlarges, tumbling towards War Machine.]

The Witches and Wizards look shocked at the muggles creating their own growing spell and wondered how they did it.

James Rhodes: Oh, come on! [The truck lands and explodes.]

Scott Lang: Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh . . . sorry.

[Scott and Steve run off.]

James Rhodes: Alright. Now, I'm pissed.

Natasha Romanoff: [Tony helps her up.] Is this, part of the plan?

"I doubt it" said Alex.

Tony Stark: Well, my plan was to go easy on them. You wanna switch it up?

Clint Barton: [To Wanda as he spots the Quinjet.] There's our ride.

Steve Rogers: Come on!

[Steve's team runs towards the Quinjet. A fizzing stream of energy slices across the runway and they stop. Vision hovers overhead.]

Vision: Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now.

[Tony's team arrives.]

Sam Wilson: What do we do, Cap?

Steve Rogers: We fight.

Natasha Romanoff: This is gonna end well.

[The two teams stride towards each other with grim determination etched on their faces.]

Peter Parker: They're not stopping.

Tony Stark: Neither are we.

[Everyone breaks into a sprint.]

People watch in anticipation for what's about to happen.

[Steve blocks a punch as Iron Man lands. Clint fires an arrow at Vision. War Machine flies after Falcon and Bucky trades blows with T'Challa. An explosive arrow hits Iron Man. Natasha throws Scott, as Peter swings through the air, struggling to evade vehicles projected by Emerald. Bucky lands punches on T'Challa, Clint and Natasha battle with batons. Clint pins her down with his bow.]

Natasha Romanoff: We're still good, right?

Clint Barton: Natasha think about that question, really think about it.

"Yeah he's not wrong" said Alex.

Natasha gives her daughter an odd look but nods.

"Wait what happened to "Nat and Tasha"?" asked Tony.

"What do you think?" asked Emerald.

[She spins him with her legs. As she's about to kick his head, her foot stops and glows bright red. Emerald projects Natasha down.]

"Ooh sorry" said Emerald.

Natasha shrugged.

Emerald Romanoff: You two better sought your sh*t out and fast.

[Clint and Natasha just nod.]

Emerald Romanoff: Tones remove my name from the accords please.

Tony Stark: Not happening Emmy, you signed it stays.

Emerald grumbled under her breath.

Wanda Maximoff: (incredulous) You signed?

Emerald and Wanda winced at that.

Emerald Romanoff: It's complicated.

[Emerald barely avoided a car being flung at her by Wanda.]

Emerald Romanoff: (sarcasm) Great.

[Emerald and Wanda began fighting.]

"Sorry" said Emerald hugging her sister figure.

Bucky Barnes: [Bucky and T'Challa have each other by the throat.] I didn't kill your father.

T'Challa: Then why did you run?

"Wouldn't you if you were being chased by a person dressed as a cat?" asked Blaise.

"It's not a cat" huffed T'Challa.

"It looks like it" replied Sam.

[T'Challa pulls Bucky's hand off his neck, then spins him and fly-kicks him backwards. He sprouts claws and aims for Bucky's neck, but Wanda stops his hand, then waves her arms and sends T'Challa crashing into a passenger gangway.]

[Peter swings past, Steve snaps the web with his shield.]

Peter Parker: That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all.

"No it doesn't" hummed Emerald agreeing with her boyfriend.

Steve Rogers: Look kid. There's a lot going on here that you don't understand.

Peter Parker: Mr. Stark said you'd say that. Wow. [he fires webs which stick to Steve's shield and ankle. He pulls and Steve slides towards him. Peter kicks him backwards, then rolls clear.] He also said to go for your legs. [As Steve runs to get his shield, Peter webs his hands and pulls. Steve grits his teeth, spins and somersaults, propelling Peter through the air.]

Sam Wilson: [Evading fire from Iron Man.] Clint, can you get him off me?

Clint Barton: Buckled in?

Scott Lang: Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good, Arrow Guy. Let's go. Let's go!

[Miniaturized Scott is on the tip of Clint's arrow. As he fires it, the head splits and Iron Man shoots the shards. Scott dives between Iron Man's splayed fingers and slips inside the Iron Man Suit at the shoulder joint.]

Steve Rogers: [Steve catches a web and tugs Peter towards him, knocking him down with the shield. Peter recovers and pulls himself up on top of a gangway.] Stark tell you anything else?

Peter Parker: That you're wrong. You think you're right. That makes you dangerous. [He swings down and Steve leaps to kick him backwards onto the gangway's leg.

]Steve Rogers: Guess he had a point. [He throws his shield at the leg and the gangway falls. Peter holds it up.] You got heart, kid. Where're you from?

Peter Parker: Queens.

Steve Rogers: Brooklyn.

[Steve leaves Peter holding the gangway.]

Steve got incredulous looks. "You drop a gangway on a kid?" Tony asked in disbelief

"It's technically your fault Mr. Stark you recruited me" said Peter.

"you could've refused" said Tony.

"I tried, you blackmailed me" replied Peter.

Tony stayed silent.

Emerald laughs, Justin sighs he loves Emerald's laugh but frowns it should be him making Emerald laugh not Peter.

Tony Stark: [Clint fires arrows at hovering Iron Man whose arm-lasers malfunction.] Friday?

FRIDAY: We have some weapon systems offline.

Tony Stark: They what?

Scott Lang: Oh, you're gonna have to take this into the shop.

Tony Stark: Who's speaking?

Scott Lang: It's your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days.

People laughed at that.

Tony Stark: Friday?

FRIDAY: Deploying fire suppression system.

Scott Lang: Uh -oh. Oh boy. Whoa!

[Inside the suit Scott sprints through narrow banks of components, chased by a rolling cloud of CO2. He's ejected from the suit.]

Bucky Barnes: [To Steve.] We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.

Steve Rogers: We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet.

Sam Wilson: No, you get to the jet! Both of you! [Being chased by War Machine.] The rest of us aren't getting out of here.

Clint Barton: As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.

Sam Wilson: This isn't the real fight, Steve.

Steve Rogers: Alright, Sam, what's the play?

Sam Wilson: We need a diversion, something big.

Scott Lang: I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half . . . don't come back for me.

"What the f*ck?" asked Alex.

Bucky Barnes: He's gonna tear himself in half?

"Maybe" said Scott.

Steve Rogers: You're sure about this, Scott?

Scott Lang: I do it all the time. I mean once . . . in a lab. Then I passed out. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!

[He leaps from mobile stairs and lands on War Machine's back as he flies past. He operates his suit's wrist, shuts his eyes and activates a remote. Scott grows into a towering Behemoth and grabs War Machine's leg.]

"How?" asked Ginny.

"Science" said Natasha.

Peter Parker: Holy sh*t!

James Rhodes: Okay, tiny dude is big now. He's big now.

Steve Rogers: I guess that's the signal.

Sam Wilson: Way to go, Tic Tac!

Tony Stark: Give me back my Rhodey.

People laugh at that.

[Sam flies feet first into Iron Man.]

Peter Parker: I got him!

[Scott sends War Machine flying and Peter catches him with a web.]

[Scott kicks a bus towards T'Challa. Vision descends and braces himself, splitting the bus in two and protecting T'Challa from harm. T'Challa spots Steve and Bucky sprinting past. Chasing Sam Iron Man evades Scott swinging the wing of a plane at him.]

Tony Stark: Okay, anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose, I'm open to suggestion.[Sam arrows towards Iron Man, firing Red Wing which cracks into Tony's helmet. Scott blocks T'Challa's path.]

Scott Lang: You wanna get to them... you gotta go through me.

[He sweeps his gigantic foot through the crates T'Challa's standing on, smashing them to pieces. Scott is engulfed in explosions as War Machine swoops towards him with Peter clinging to a web stuck to War Machine's back. He fires more webs and wraps them around Scott's over-sized arms.]

[Clint fires arrows at T'Challa who catches two right in front of his face. After the arrowheads explode he drops them and rises extending his claws.]

Clint Barton: We haven't met yet. [He flattens his bow and spins it around.] I'm Clint.

T'Challa: I don't care.

"Rude" muttered Clint causing Natasha to chuckle at her husband's antics.

[Wielding the bow like a staff Clint attacks T'Challa who a acrobatically ducks then counters with a high kick.]

[Giant Ant-Man punches War Machine in the air and swings a gangway towards him as he recovers. War Machine opens fire and the gangway disintegrates. Scott tries to stamp on War Machine who dives clear evading a lunge of Scott's hand. War Machine is struck by something.]

James Rhodes: Ahhh!

[Wanda waves her hands flinging vehicles into War Machines path.

Scott Lang: Get off.

[Distracted by Peter Ant-Man doesn't spot Vision curling into a ball and ramming into him. Vision spots Steve and Bucky approaching the hangar as Ant-Man wavers. He simply floats through Ant-Man's chest.]

Scott Lang: Something just flew in me!

[Vision fires a shining beam of energy from his mind stone and the control tower collapses towards the entrance of the hangar. Wanda struggles to slow its collapse. Then War Machine descends behind her fires a sonic disruptor. Wanda holds her head and screams, Emerald screams as well. The tower falls all around Steve and Bucky, but they make it into the hangar where Natasha is waiting for them.]

People flinch seeing Wanda and Emerald scream at the noise.

Rhodey looks sadly at what he did.

Natasha Romanoff: You're not gonna stop.

"you know he can't" said Alex softly.

Steve Rogers: You know I can't.

Natasha Romanoff: I'm gonna regret this.

Tony eyes Natasha.

[Natasha stuns T'Challa who's arrived behind them.]

Natasha Romanoff: Go.

[Steve and Bucky run for the Quinjet as she keeps T'Challa at bay.]

People smile at Natasha switching sides last minute.

Tony looks mildly offended.

Peter Parker: (outside) Hey, guys, you ever see that really old movie, Empire Strikes Back?

James Rhodes: Jesus Tony how old is this guy?

Tony Stark: I don't know I didn't carbon-date him, he's on the young side.

"Carbon-date? Really" said Emerald.

Peter Parker: [He swings towards Ant-Man.] "You know that part... where they're on the snow planet... with the walking thingies?" [He wraps webs around Scott's legs.]

Tony Stark: Maybe the kid's onto something.

James Rhodes: High now. Tony. Go high.

Peter Parker: [He swings around and around Ant-Man's legs as Iron Man and War Machine power towards his head, both landing blows together.] "YES! Ha ha! That was awesome!"

[Giant Ant-Man topples. A flailing limb catching Peter and knocking him flying just before Scott slams into the ground on his back. He returns to normal size and removes the face-plate of his helmet, grimacing.]

Scott Lang: Doesanyone have any orange slices?

"I like oranges too" said Alex.

Tony Stark: [He lands by Peter who's in a heap. Retracting the helmet Tony looks concerned.] Kid, you alright?

Peter Parker: Hey! Get off me!

Tony Stark: Same side. Guess who. Hi. It's me.

Peter Parker: Oh. Hey, man.

Tony Stark: Yeah.

Peter Parker: That was scary.

Tony Stark: Yeah. You're done. Alright?

Peter Parker: What?

Tony Stark: You did a good job. Stay down.

Peter Parker: No, I'm good. I'm fine.

Tony Stark: Stay down.

Peter Parker: No, it's good I gotta get him back!

Tony Stark: You're going home or I'll call Aunt May! You're done!

Peter Parker: Wait. Mr. Stark, wait! I'm not done, I'm not . . . [He slumps down.] Okay, I'm done. I'm done.

Natasha Romanoff:[In the partially wrecked hangar the Quinjet's engines fire and the guns blast debris from the entrance. Natasha keeps T'Challa held until the jet rises. Black Panther leaps, but can't keep hold and the Quinjet flies out of the hangar. War Machine flies after it. In the hangar.]I said I'd help you find him, not catch him. There's a difference.

[Natasha walked off somewhere.]

"Where'd you go?" asked T'Challa.

"to find my husband and daughter" said Natasha

Emerald Barton: [Outside Emerald kneels beside Wanda. She pants for breath.] I'm sorry, sister.

Wanda Maximoff: Me, too.

Emerald Barton: It's as Vis said. Catastrophe.

[Piloting the Quinjet, Steve looks over his shoulder and spots War Machine encroaching to the right. Steve pushes forward on the thrusters. Iron Man flies beside War Machine and Falcon follows them. Vision joins Emerald and Wanda making sure they're okay.]

James Rhodes: Vision, I got a bandit on my six. [Falcon fires small explosives which erupt and buffet War Machine.] Vision! You copy? Target his thrusters, turn him into a glider.

[Vision takes aim and fires his head laser. Falcon spots it coming and tucks into a tumble. The laser overshoots and slices through the core on War Machines chest plate. War Machine loses power and goes into a spinning free fall.]

People gasp in horror seeing Rhodey freefall.

Vision flinches.

Tony Stark: Rhodey! [Iron Man and Falcon dive.]

James Rhodes: Tony, I'm flying dead stick. [As he plunges the suit emits black smoke. Iron Man swoops down towards him. Rhodes' eyes start to close.]

Tony Stark: RHODES! [Mar Machine smacks into a wide, grassy field just before Iron Man lands nearby. His helmet retracts and he pulls off War Machine's face plate. Rhodes' eyes are closed and there's blood on his face.] Read vitals.

FRIDAY: Heartbeat detected. Emergency medical is on its way.

Everyone sighs in relief.

Sam Wilson: [He swoops down and lands on his feet. His wings retract.] I'm sorry.

[Tony zaps Falcon backwards with a blast of energy from the palm of his suit. Vision glides to the ground just in front of Falcon. Stony faced Tony remains with his arms around War Machine.]

People flinch seeing what Tony did.

[We see Natasha, Emerald and Clint watching from one of the terminals. Natasha and Clint are signing to each other.]

"Can we get a translation?" asked Molly curiously.

"Nope" said the Barton family.

Causing people to snort.

Clint Barton: You need to go.

Natasha Romanoff: No.

Emerald Romanoff: Not with out you.

[Clint signs something to Natasha who shakes her head but he insists. Natasha finally relents. Natasha grabs Emerald's hand and they walk away.]

[Somewhere in Siberia, Zemo makes a phone call.]

German Innkeeper: Guten Morgen, Zimmerservice? (Good morning. Room service.)

Helmut Zemo: Guten Morgen Frau Leiber. Zimmer 201 hier (Good morning, Mrs. Leiber. [subtitled] This is room 201.)

German Innkeeper: Ah, Herr Müller. Speck und schwarzer Kaffee für Sie, ja? (Ah, Mr. Müller. [subtitled] Bacon and black coffee again today?)

Helmut Zemo: Wie gut Sie mich kennen. ([subtitled] You know me so well.)[In his room in Berlin, Germany.]

German Innkeeper: Hallo? Ihr Frühstück ist hier. Darf ich mich reinlassen? Herr Müller? Herr Müller? Oh mein Gott! ([subtitled] Hello? Your breakfast is here. May I let myself in? Mr Müller? Mr Müller? Oh God!)

[She comes in and discovers the dead body of Dr. Theo Broussard in the bathtub.]

The younger students turn away and cover their eyes.

Wanda and Emerald gasp.

[Steve flies the Quinjet towards mountains, Bucky sits behind him.]

Bucky Barnes: What's gonna happen to your friends?

Steve Rogers: [Steve stares ahead, heavyhearted. He sighs and shakes his head.] Whatever it is... I'll deal with it.

Bucky Barnes: [He looks thoughtful.] I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.

Steve Rogers: [He glances around at Bucky.] What you did all those years . . . it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice.

Bucky Barnes: I know. But I did it.

"I know the feeling" said Natasha, with Clint quietly nodding in agreement.

[At a hospital Rhodes lies inside an CT-scanner. He's in a blue gown covering his body. Tony paces up to Vision who watches Rhodes grave faced.]

Tony Stark: How did this happen?

Vision: I became distracted.

Tony Stark: I didn't think that was possible.

Vision: Neither did I.

[Tony leaves Vision looking in on Rhodes. Along the corridor Tony spots an equally concerned Natasha.]

[Tony, Emerald and Natasha stand on a balcony looking towards a row of trees.]

Tony Stark: The doctors say he shattered L4 through S1. Extreme laceration in the spinal cord. Probably looking at some form of paralysis.

Natasha Romanoff: Steve's not gonna stop. If you don't either, Rhodey's gonna be the best case scenario.

Tony Stark: You let them go, Natasha.

Natasha Romanoff: We played this wrong.

Tony Stark: 'We'? Boy, it must be hard to shake the whole double agent thing, huh? It sticks in the DNA.

Natasha raised an eyebrow.

Tony moved away from the angry assassin very quickly. Natasha launched herself at him only for her waist to be caught by Clint.

Natasha Romanoff: Are you incapable of letting go of your ego for one goddamn second?

"You know I think he is" said Alex.

"Alex I'm offended" said Tony.

"Be offended" said Alex.

Emerald Barton: (coldly) I think he is.

Tony Stark: (ignores Emerald) T'Challa told Ross what you did, so . . . they're coming for you and Emerald.

Natasha Romanoff: We're not the ones that needs to watch their back. [She walks away but turns around. Emerald follows.]

Tony Stark: [He activates holographic images appearing on his wrist device.] What am I looking at, Friday?

FRIDAY: Priority upload from Berlin police.

Tony Stark: Fire up the chopper.[Tony flies over a stormy sea in the chopper. He looks surveillance images on a tablet computer.]

FRIDAY: The Task Force called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched Dr. Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. He was met by this man.

Tony Stark: Did you run facial recognition yet?

FRIDAY: What do I look like?

Tony Stark: Uh, I don't know. I've been picturing a red head.

FRIDAY: You must be thinking of someone else.

Tony Stark: Must be.

"Pepper" said Alex in a singsong voice.

FRIDAY: The fake doctor is actually Colonel Helmut Zemo, Sokovian Intelligence. [Tony projects the image.] Zemo ran Echo Skorpion, a Sokovian covert kill squad.

Tony Stark: So, what happened to the real Broussard?

FRIDAY: He was found dead in a Berlin hotel room. Where police also found a wig and facial prosthesis approximating the appearance of one James Buchanan Barnes.

Tony Stark: Son of a bitch. Get this to Ross.

FRIDAY: Yes, Boss.

[A wide and flat, snow covered landscape. A mountain looms on the horizon. A caterpillar truck stops on the windswept mountain plateau. Zemo gets out of the vehicle. Set on rocks is an entrance with huge, rusted double doors. Zemo hacks away at the wall beside the doors. he uncovers a control panel and keys in a code whilst referring to the red book. The huge, curved double doors break open a crack. Zemo pulls them open wider. He shines a flash light and pulls down the hood of his coat.Inside is a vast, gloomy space cramped with shelves stacked with filing boxes. Zemo moves a ladder along and searches the boxes. he climbs up the ladder and removes a filing box labeled: 'декабря 1991' (December 1991).Zemo walks along a tunnel which opens into a cavernous chamber with a high ceiling. He carries a VHS cassette and a flash light. Standing around the chamber a five large, clear sided capsules. They glow a gold yellow inside. Frowning Zemo walks up to one of the capsules and shines his flash light inside. In the capsule, motionless in a state of suspended animation is the enhanced soldier Josef.]

People tense seeing Josef.

[Tony flies the shopper low over the broiling sea. He operates the chopper with a touch screen computer in a wall panel.]

"What is that place?" asked Tony.

Guard: [on radio] This is the Raft Prison Control. You're clear for landing, Mr. Stark.[The sea swells and surges as Raft Prison rises up from beneath. A huge, fortified, circular structure with small lights around the sides. Two semi-circular doors open up in the flat circular top. The chopper lands on a helipad and the doors close above it. Tony, who's left arm is in a sling walks up to Secretary Ross.]

Tony Stark: So? You got the files? Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy.

Secretary Ross: You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco in Leipzig? You're lucky you're not in one of these cells.

[Ross looks at Tony sternly and leads on through a thick, steel security door. Soldiers stand guard in an operations room. Tony looks at a surveillance screen. it shows Wanda, sitting hunched and bedraggled in a cramped prison cell.]

The Avengers frown seeing Wanda like that.

Emerald glares at Tony who looks away from the scary assassin.

[Another security door opens. Tony walks into a chamber surrounded by large, bared windows. Beyond the windows are a number of prison cells. Tony takes in his surroundings.]

Clint Barton: [clapping; sarcasm] The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether your like it or not.

"Clint" sighed Natasha.

"hey i'm pissed off at the man we were supposed to trust" said Clint.

Natasha just nodded.

Tony Stark: Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'll put you here. Come on.

"Well you knew they'd put us somewhere" snapped Clint.

Clint Barton: [spits] Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony.

Tony Stark: Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for . . .

Clint Barton: Criminals? [He stands up.] Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. [He eyes Tony through the bars.] Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda. But here we are. Emerald's gonna hate you now.

"Still do at the moment" said Emerald

Tony Stark: Because you broke the law. So nothing new then.

"Oh I hated him when we first met" said Emerald.

Clint Barton: Yeah I figured.

Tony Stark: I didn't make you.

Clint Barton: La, la, la, la, la . . .

"So childish" muttered Emerald.

Tony Stark: You read it, you broke it.

Clint Barton: La, la, la, la la...

Tony Stark: Alright, you're all grown up, you got a wife who's currently on the run with Emerald and a kid. I don't understand, why didn't you think about them before you chose the wrong side? [He walks away.]

"You son of a bitch" growled Clint.

Tony back away further from the other angry assassin, Peter kept Emerald under control but with both Natasha and Clint angry Tony would most certainly be dead.

(I'm sorry for doing this to Tony and making him seem like a bitch, but Steve gets bashed a lot and I don't think it's fair I mean come on Tony didn't care about what his weapons did until he was captured and yet Steve get's a whole heap of sh*t bashing that isn't required.)

Clint Barton: You gotta watch your back with this guy. There's a chance he's gonna break it.

Scott Lang: Hank Pym always said, you never can trust a Stark.

Tony Stark: Who are you?

Scott Lang: Come on, man.

Sam Wilson: How's Rhodes?

Tony Stark: They're flying him to Columbia Medical tomorrow. So . . . fingers cross. [Sam shakes his head.]What do you need? They feed you yet?

Sam Wilson: [He raises his eyebrows.] You're the good cop now?

Tony Stark: I'm just the guy who needs to know where Steve went.

Sam Wilson: Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you're gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me.

Tony Stark: Oh, I just knocked the 'A' out of their 'AV'. We got about 30 seconds before they realize it's not their equipment.

Secretary Ross: [In the operations room.] What did you do? Get it back up!

Tony Stark: [Back in the cell.] Just look. Because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes. [He shoes a holographic image of Doctor Broussard.] Clearly, I made a mistake. Sam, I was wrong.

"That's a f*cking first" growled Natasha.

Clint looked at Tony "I forgive you" he said.

"though I'm not sure she will for a long while" said Clint.

Sam Wilson: That's a first.

Tony Stark: Cap is definitely off the reservation but he's about to need all the help he can get. We don't know each other very well. You don't have to...

Sam Wilson: Hey, it's alright. [Tony leans closer to the window. Sam sighs and looks uneasy.] Look, I'll tell you... but you have to go alone and as a friend.

Tony Stark: Easy.[Tony walks to his chopper.]

Secretary Ross: Stark? Did he give you anything on Rogers?

Tony Stark: Nope. Told me to go to hell. I'm going back to the compound instead, but you can call me anytime. I'll put you on hold, I like to watch the line blink.

"Seriously?" asked Lily in disbelief.

[Ross stares at Tony who smiles as he gets in the chopper and the door slides shut. The chopper rises off the helipad and flies away. The doors close on the prison roof.][Sitting in the chopper Tony un-clips the sling holding his left arm. He cradles his arm in his hand for a moment. He slowly reaches out the injured arm and presses a button on a panel. The Iron Man Suit wraps itself around Tony, a hatch opens and he flies out of the chopper as Iron Man. He speeds through dark clouds. Close behind T'Challa is at the controls of a Quinjet.]

[Steve brings his Quinjet into land besides Zemo's caterpillar truck on the remote icy mountain top. The jet's wings fold up beside the fuselage.On board Bucky pulls out rack of guns labeled 'Romanoff'. He takes a light machine gun.Bucky and Steve stand together, waiting for the exit ramp to descend.]

"You know Bucky the only person who can touch Natasha's guns without her permission is Clint" said Steve.

Bucky just shrugs.

Steve Rogers: You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of that freezer truck?

Bucky Barnes: Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?

Steve Rogers: You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead.

Bucky Barnes: What was her name again?

Steve Rogers: Dolores. You called her Doll.

Bucky Barnes: She's gotta be a hundred years old right now.

Steve Rogers: So are we, pal. [He clamps his hand on Bucky's shoulder.]

[Now wearing his helmet Steve walks with Bucky up to the entrance set in rock. The door is still open.]

Steve Rogers: He can't have been here more than a few hours.

Bucky Barnes: Long enough to wake them up.

[Steve leads them into the cast bunker. They travel down into the depths inside a caged elevator. it stops in the bowls of the bunker, doors slide open. Steve nods to Bucky and heaves up the cage door. Bucky readies his heavy duty machine gun and they walk along a corridor, keeping close to a wall. Bucky looks into an alcove full of junk then he and Steve move on up some stairs. At the sound of a loudthudthey spin around, aiming down the corridor.]

Steve Rogers: You ready?

Bucky Barnes: Yeah.[Double doors part, forced open by Iron Man. Steve stares in surprise. Tony walks towards Steve and Bucky and retracts the suit's helmet.]

Tony Stark: You seem a little defensive.

[Bucky keeps his gun up while Steve walks to meet Tony with his shield covering his body.]

Steve Rogers: It's been a long day.

Tony Stark: At ease, Soldier. I'm not currently after you.

Steve Rogers: Then why are you here?

Tony Stark: Could be your story's not so crazy. Maybe. Ross has no idea I'm here. I'd like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.

Steve Rogers: Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork. [He lowers his shield.] It's good to see you, Tony.

Tony Stark: You too, Cap. [to Bucky] Hey, Manchurian Candidate, you're killing me. There's a truce here. You can drop . . .

[Steve signs Bucky to lower his weapon and he does.]

[the three of them cautiously walk along a corridor. T'Challa in his Black Panther Suit is hiding around a corner, watching them.]

[With his helmet and face plate reengaged Iron Man leads Steve and Bucky towards the enormous chamber with the capsules standing in it.]

Tony Stark: I got heat signatures.

Steve Rogers: How many?

Tony Stark: Uh, one.[As they enter the vast chamber the lights come on. Hazy, yellow mist descends within the capsules. As well as Josef, each one contains an enhanced soldier from the 1991 experiment. Steve and the others look around, bewildered.]

"Holy sh*t" whispered Natasha.

Helmut Zemo: [on speaker] If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep. [All of the enhanced soldiers have been shot in the head. Bucky stares at Josef's corpse.] Did you really think I wanted more of you?

Bucky Barnes: What the hell?

Helmut Zemo: I'm grateful to them, though. They brought you here. [Zemo appears in a control room. Steve hurls his shield but it flies back.] Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.

Tony Stark: I'm betting I could beat that.

Helmut Zemo: Oh, I'm sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you'd never know why you came.

Steve Rogers: You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here? [Black Panther watches from the shadows. Steve looks at Zemo through a window.]

Helmut Zemo: I thought about nothing else for over a year. I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here, I just realized . . . there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes. How nice to find a flaw.

Steve Rogers: You're Sokovian. Is that what this is about?

Wanda flinched at that.

Helmut Zemo: Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I'm here because I made a promise.

Steve Rogers: [He studies Zemo.] You lost someone?

Helmut Zemo: [He looks grave, clicks his tongue.] I lost everyone. And so will you. [He plays surveillance footage from December 16th 1991. Steve steps over to the screen.] An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumples from within? That's dead . . . forever.

Tony Stark: [He looks at the freeze frame of a secluded road and the date, December 16 1991. His eyes rove, anxiously.] I know that road. What is this?

Emerald frowns before realising her eyes widened before she turned to Tony.

"Are you okay?" Emerald whispered.

Tony nodded.

[The video plays. That car that the Winter Soldier forced off the road crashes into a tree. Tony watches intently as the Winter Soldier rides up and gets off his motorbike. Steve watches Tony's increasing unease. The driver lies on the ground beside the car. It's Tony's father, Howard.]

Natasha makes her way over to Tony and hugs him he buries his head in her shoulder, he doesn't want to see his mother's death not again.

Howard Stark: Help my wife. Please. Help.

[The Winter Soldier walks over and hoists him up by his hair. He stares at Howard's bloody face. Howard stares back pleadingly.]

Howard Stark: Sergeant Barnes?

Maria Stark: Howard!

[Tony glares at Bucky. In the video the Winter Soldier pounds Howard hard in the face with his metal fist.]

Maria Stark: Howard!

[In grief Tony closes his eyes for a moment. On screen his father slumps dead. The Winter Soldier puts him in the driver's seat with his face against the steering wheel. Tony stares in horror. Maria's in the passenger seat with blood streaked down her face. The Winter Soldier walks around and grips her throat. Expressionless he strangles Maria. Tony watches the screen stunned. The Winter Soldier walks up and aims a gun at the surveillance camera.]

Bucky, Steve and Tony had looked away from the screen they didn't want to see the deaths again.

[Steve watches Tony anxiously. Tony lunges towards Bucky, Steve stops him.]

Steve Rogers: Tony. Tony.

Tony Stark: [Consumed with grief and tears glistening in his eyes he turns and looks at Steve.] Did you know?

Steve Rogers: I didn't know it was him.

Tony Stark: Don't bullsh*t me, Rogers! Did you know?

Steve Rogers: Yes.

[Tony steps back, his chin jutting upwards twitchy. Tony reengages the Iron Man helmet. He punches Steve to the floor and deflects gunfire from Bucky, disarming him. he grabs Bucky and flies across the chamber. He slams him onto the floor, then jumps on his arms. Steve's shield hits Iron Man, distracting him. Steve barges him backwards, Iron Man shoulders him to the floor and shackles his ankles. Bucky punches Iron Man who just lifts him and slams him against a machine. Iron Man raises a fist but Bucky twists it. A rocket shoots out of Iron Man's arm, a fireball explodes. Steve slices his shackles as a towering structure of pipework collapses. Tony and Bucky are thrown down a level as twisted metal falls around them, showering sparks.]

People stayed silent, this fight was personal, filled with years of grief finally spilling over.

Tony, Bucky and Steve didn't watch they didn't want to.

Steve Rogers: [to Bucky] Get out of here![As Bucky bolts Iron Man fires, but misses. Steve lands in front of him. Bucky hits a control panel and the silo-styled door overhead starts to open.]

Steve Rogers: It wasn't him, Tony. Hydra had control of his mind!

"He doesn't care" said Natasha softly.

Tony Stark: Move!

Steve Rogers: It wasn't him!

Tony and Steve flinch without looking at the screen.

Tony realised that HYDRA was the killer and Bucky was the puppet.

[Steve grabs Iron Man's ankle in mid air and smashes it. Iron Man blocks Steve by shooting down rubble, then falteringly flies up the tower.]

FRIDAY: Left boot jet failing. Flight systems compromised.

Tony Stark: Ah crap.[Above him Bucky leaps from platform to platform. With stuttering jets Iron Man gives chase, then kicks Bucky and takes aim, but the energy bold rebounds off Steve's shield onto himself. Iron Man drops like a stone and lands on a lower platform.]

Steve Rogers: He's not going to stop. Go.[As Iron Man soars upwards, Steve leaps and shoots a wire which wraps around Iron Man's neck and drags him back down. He deflects Steve's shield, then tries to target Bucky.]

Tony Stark: Come on, come on.

FRIDAY: Targeting system's knackered, boss.

Tony Stark: I'm eyeballing it.

[His helmet retracts and he shuts one eye, taking aim at the opening hatch. He fires and hits the giant hinge which explodes, cutting of Bucky's escape route. He flies up, blocks two swings from an iron pipe from Bucky, then grabs him around the neck from behind.]

Tony Stark: Do you even remember them?

Bucky Barnes: I remember all of them.

Natasha and Emerald nodded in agreement with that, they remembered every family they destroyed all for Dreykov, every child they killed.

[Bucky pushes them both from the walkway, Steve jumps into them to deflect their fall. Bucky lands on a platform while Tony and Steve land on the concrete floor besides opening in the wall where snow drifts in from outside]

Steve Rogers: This isn't gonna change what happened.

Tony Stark: I don't care. He killed my mom.

'What about your father?" asked Alex.

"Not a good relationship" said Tony.

[They trade punches and Iron Man ends up pinning Steve down. Bucky picks up Captain America's shield and leaps down to help. As the two super soldiers fist fight with Iron Man the shield changes hands between them until Tony manages to zap Steve who is thrown back into the wall. Bucky struggles to hold Iron Man at bay as he unleashes an energy beam, then he forces Iron Man against the opposite wall and grips the glowing core in the chest of the Iron Man Suit. A blast of energy knocks Bucky down, metal arm completely blown away. Tony zaps him again. Steve rushes him with his shield up and Iron Man fires right at it]

[Zemo is outside, listening to a phone message.]

Zemo's Wife: You should've seen his little face. just try, okay? I'm going to bed. I love you.

T'Challa: [Sneaks up behind him] I almost kill the wrong man.

Helmut Zemo: Hardly an innocent one.

T'Challa: This is all you wanted? To see them rip each other apart.

Helmut Zemo: [Deletes the voice message] My father lived outside the city. I thought we would be safe there. My son was excited. He could see the Iron Man from the car window. I told my wife, "Don't worry. They are fighting in the city. We're miles from harm." When the dust cleared . . . and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies. My father . . . still holding my wife and son in his arms. And the Avengers? They went home. I knew I couldn't kill them. More powerful men than me have tried. But, if I could get them to kill each other . . . I'm sorry about your father. He seemed a good man. With a dutiful son.

The Avengers look down.

T'Challa: Vengeance has consumed you. It's consuming them. [He blinks ruefully and retracts the claws in his gloves.] I am done letting it consume me. Justice will come soon enough.

Helmut Zemo: [Holding a gun Zemo smiles thinly.] Tell that to the dead. [He tries to shoot himself but T'Challa grabs him just as he fires.]

T'Challa: The living are not done with you yet.

[Tony and Steve are still fighting in the silo.]

FRIDAY: You can't beat him hand to hand.

Tony Stark: Analyse his fight pattern.

FRIDAY: Scanning! [Iron Man's HUD flashes red as Steve lands blow after blow.] Countermeasures ready.

Tony Stark: [He grabs Captain America's shield.] Let's kick his ass.

[He flings the shield away then zaps Steve backwards, head over heels. Steve rises and Tony blocks his punches then zaps him to his knees, right in front of Bucky who's lying on his back.]

Steve Rogers: He's my friend.

Tony Stark: So was I. [He punches Steve then throws him back towards the gaps in the wall.] Stay down. Final warning.

People flinch at that.

Steve Rogers: [He struggles to his feet, his face bloody and his gate weary. He raises his fists and stares Iron Man down.] I can do this all day.

[Iron man raises his left palm ready to fire. Bucky grabs his leg and Tony spins, kicking him in the face. Steve grabs Iron Man and lifts him over his head, then throws him down, punches him and bashes his mask off with his shield before striking down hard on the suit's core.Tony looks horrified and glowers fearfully at Steve who pants for breath. Both have blood spattered across their faces. Steve looks back at Tony then shuts his eyes and slumps down. The shield remains upright, stuck upright in the center of the Iron Man Suit. When Steve struggles up again he takes hold of the shield, gripping the edge and pulling it free. He steps away from Tony who rolls painfully onto his side. Bucky lies bloodied but conscious, Steve reaches out and pulls him to his feet, holding him up as Tony looks on.]

Tony Stark: That shield doesn't belong to you.[Steve turns his back.] You don't deserve it. My father made that shield!

[Steve stops, raises his chin, then drops the shield and walks away with Bucky's arm around his shoulder.]

"That was hurtful to watch" said Natasha hugging Tony.

Steve just hugged Bucky

[In a secure chamber at the Berlin UN bunker Zemo's contained in a prison pod, his ankles cuffed to his seat. Everett Ross enters the chamber.]

Everett Ross: Meals at eight and five. Toilet privileges twice a day. Raise your voice, zap. Touch the glass, zap. You step out of line, you deal with me. Please, step out of line. Hmm? [Zemo just stares.] So how does it feel? To spend all that time, all that effort . . . and, to see it fail so spectacularly?

Helmut Zemo: [He looks up to meet Everett's gaze.] Did it?

The Avengers shared looks "we can't

[Back at Avengers HQ, Tony is with Rhodes as he tentatively walks beside parallel bars with tech on his legs.]

Tony Stark: It's just the first pass.

James Rhodes: Yeah.

Tony Stark: Give me some feedback. Anything you can think of. Shock absorption. Lateral movement. Cup holder?

James Rhodes: You may wanna think about some AC down in . . . [He falls onto his hands.]

Tony Stark: Let's go. I'll give you a hand.

James Rhodes: No, no, don't. Don't help me. Don't help me. [He rises to his hands and knees, turns to sit on the floor beside Tony.] 138. 138 combat missions. That's how many I've flown, Tony. Every one of them could've been my last, but I flew 'em. Because the fight needed to be fought. It's the same with these Accords. I signed because it was the right thing to do. And, yeah, this sucks. This is . . . this is a bad beat. But it hasn't change my mind. I don't think.

[He gives a crooked smile and takes Tony's hand.]

Tony Stark: You okay?

James Rhodes: Oh yeah.

FedEx Driver Stan Lee: [Knocks on the window with a packet in his hand.] Are you Tony "Stank"?

James Rhodes: Yes, this is--this is Tony "Stank". You're in the right place. Thank you for that! I'm never dropping that, by the way. Table for one, Mr. "Stank". Please, by the bathroom.

People laugh a little despite the situation earlier.

Tony and Steve caught Natasha whispering something to Clint, who whispered it to Bruce who then whispered it to Thor and Natasha whispered it to Peter, T'Challa and Scott leaving Bucky, Steve and Tony to wonder what is was about.

[Tony is alone, opens the package and finds an envelope and a phone inside.]

Steve Rogers: [letter to Stark] Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than mine. I've been on my own since I was 18. I never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. My faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And I'm happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let me down. Which is why I can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. I wish we agreed on the Accords, I really do. I know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should . . . [As Steve reads his letter off screen it's indicated that he breaks his team out of the Raft.]

FRIDAY: Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison.

Tony Stark: Yeah, put him through.

Secretary Ross: Tony, we have a problem.

Tony Stark: Ah, please hold.

People laugh at that.

Secretary Ross: No. Don't . . .

Steve Rogers: [letter to Stark] So, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need me, I'll be there.

Tony frowns it's not much of an apology but it's a start.

[Wakanda, medical facility.]

Steve Rogers: You sure about this?

Bucky Barnes: I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing . . . for everybody.

[He goes back into cryo.]

[Steve stands staring through a window, T'Challa walks towards him.]

Steve Rogers: Thank you for this.

T'Challa: Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace...Steve Rogers: You know, If they find out he's here . . . they'll come for him.

T'Challa: Let them try.

"We should move you two to Wakanda" said Natasha looking at her daughter and sister in law.

"What?" they asked in sync

"I'm kidding" said Natasha laughing.

[In Peter's room on Queens. May speaks to him from somewhere in the apartment.]

May Parker: So. Who was it? Who hit you?

Peter Parker: Some guy. So itchy, man. God. [He fiddles with a wrist band.]

May Parker: What's "some guy's" name?

Peter Parker: Uh, Steve.

May Parker: Steve? From 12-C? With the overbite?

Peter Parker: No, no, no. You don't know him, he's from Brooklyn. [Peter's wrist band emits a red beam which he hides when his aunt comes into the room.] Ouch.

"Not bad, not a lie but not the whole truth either" said Natasha.

May Parker: Well . . . I hope you got a few good licks in.

Peter Parker: Yeah, I got quite a few in, actually. His friend was huge. Like huge. [May gives him ice in a towel.] That's way better. Thank you.

"Yes i was" said Scott.

May Parker: Okay, tough guy. [She smiles broadly then leaves the room.]

Peter Parker: Love you, May. Hey, can you shut the door? [He shines the red beam onto his bedroom ceiling and grins looking up at a glowing image of Spider-Man's mask.][the final screen text shows 'Spider-Man will return']

[End of Captain America: Civil War]


I'm gonna do a break and I'm gonna do something where Emerald explains why Alex isn't allowed on the roof.

The Harbinger of Chaos | HP x MCU - Chapter 15 - AmandaParis - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.