Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


HELP WANTED, MEN 96. HELP WANTED. MEN 87. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 9G. HELPWANTED, MEN CLERK, extra for Saturday In off sale liquor store.

Must have clerking or sales experience. Give full details. Write 1889 star andTribune. CLERK Billing A general office-work. Salary open.

Penn-O-Tex 'OH Hiawatha av. 3 90. LIVESTOCK.FARNEQUPMENT BALER twine, most any brand, reason able, Bale Ties. New Holland self-tying hay baler, used 4 days, all V-belts, all adjusted ready to bale $2,850. New Holland haler, used one season, good as new $2,600.

50T International, 10 days, good as new 2.900. Case sheer baler, like new, used on only 1 farm 1.650. New 52R International combine with motor $1,575. New 238 cultivator or Farmall $260 New i foot trailer power mower S325. New rubber tired tractor.

4 bar side rake $550. 2 new manure spreaders. Tractor 4 bar side rake, used 1 week $325. Bob Stone, Phone .33. Chariton, Iowa.

BOATS AK DMOTORS ARE YOU BUYING A KtW OUTBOARD MOTOR? IF SO! Come nut to GABBERT'S, 3035 NICOLLET Start for yourself and run in our water-tank the new Deluxe CHAMPION 4 3 HP. fu reverse, srsrer. unw trolling, fast cruising. J'. "one pull" start.

Lit STOCKMAN Full Time Work Pood Market Hove's LAKE ST. 1 BLK. W. OF HENN. SUPPLY man.

Mutt be 21. 620 Club, 620 Hennepin av. TAILOR Expri onred bushc Iman Alr-cond siiop. Good woiKlnjE condition. HUBERT W.

WHITE. iNC. S5i SO. 7th t. AT 1529 TAILOR, expel t.

top wage, steady. Elgin Valet. 121 S.4th st. TOOL DIE TOP GRADE MEN Must have Rood rx-prlrnce. No Itmltrtt inn.

fVa day wk. Excellent working conditions A pay. PAKO 1006 LYNDAI.EN TOOL SALESMAN Experienced man to work for salary A bonus in retail fctore. Discount privileges. Nagell Stores.

625 Marquetteav. TKUCK representative, well recommended by truk mff, Some traveling. State qun.l-tor5. Write rv 71 Ptar TRUCK driver desirous oi opportunity to do Christian personal work apply In per.snnf.4E; Hennepin. 0-4 TYPIST For hilling, part time.

Late afternoon H-e 1 motor performance that, will rve ou rfi! fishing and boating p.essure he beginners guarantee 5 blade id" cut. wmie they A eve. work, CENTURY-MATTHEWS MTR. 3245 s.s, 4th st ne 1831 Mr. Peterson Sheet Metal Workers-Shop satisfaction and for those who want to trade in their old motor a new pride of ownership.

(Liberal allowance on trade-in.) $139 Ml. terms $9 every 2 weeks. holds on lay-by. Ma.ll and phone orders handled day received. GABBERT'S 3035 NICOLLET A -toss from bail park.

M-m. and Thurs. till 0 pm. Open CHAMPION OVNERS Spring season tune-up service i Champion's new, modern service de- paruaent In Its spacious new factory on Etiason Boulevard, is now reedy to five your Champion Its spring tune-up. We are equipped to da your Job quicker in Lie precise and dependable way Champion Las always served Its customers Brine your motor tn new to avoid the isst minute nun later en.

Mass sure your motor la ready for the opening day WANTED FOR Newfoundland AND celand BY METCALF-HAMILTON Kansas City Bridge Cos. Auto Repair Mechanics Diesel Generator Operators Plumbers Steam Fitters Carpenters Cement Finishers Linemen Electricians Generator P.epalr Man Transportation paid. I year contract APPLY AT Minnesota State Employment Service 401 SOUTH 4TII STREET Minneapolis i Out of town ahn icants See rr .11 your nearest Minnesota Stato Employment Service Offico. YOUNG MEN JUST FOR A FEW SAMPU5 OPENINGS AUDI TOR car I Ul n. 175 exp.

OFFICE MEGlN.NKR.S Many i up SALES Clerks no exp tiviv TYi'lST-fine future ChMPT. Opr. exper $1.13 ADJUSTER inside TRAFFIC Clerk no exp $140 MKCII. Engineer exp OFFICE Boss H.S. grad $110 up STORE Mgr.

Trainees $200 SALES vacuum cinrs. $175-- SALES feed exper Wide open SALES hdwe. Minn SALES Trainees all fields $238 SAlJC.s furniture $200 PLUS MANY ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Minneapolis Employment 6ifi Andrus Bids. 5th A Nlc. MA 4 IH YOUNG MAN To work In Fur Cleaning plant.

Must be over 1R. No experience necessary or can use experienced man. Klen-a-gizing Corp. 110 N. 5 Til ST.

12TH FLR. YOUNG" man to train for store tnan- a ger pos. Apply 34 S. 6th st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.

MEN i i.r-ii.i, near, n.s. PLANT design heavy and mach. 0 TRAFFIC typist i aesrgn sneet metal. ep. Our euatome.r parkin facilities per-! Pickets, rails poms, pine or cedar.

you to direct to the door MJtf-. Radio the service department, located at Victrol $12. 1112 E. Franklin. Automobile Body Shop Foreman This is the opportunity you have been waiting for, if You can estimate to perfection any kiad or type of body paint W'ork If You are capable of taking complete charge of shop.

Highest paid job in this territory with percentage of profits. St. Paul Owned Auto Agency Write 9771 Star and Tribune AUTO MECHANIC Experienced Ford mechanic at once, excellent proposition to right man. Best of working conditions. Apply service mgr.


Lincoln-Mercury Ford experience helpful, but not necessary, excellent working conditions and splendid chance for advancement. See Mr. Mitchell or Tom Steele. MOTOR SALES, INC. 1300 Hennepin Ave.

LI 4721 AUTO DISTRICT MANAGER Local offire of large auto mfgr. Excellent opportunity. Write lull details regarding age. education A experience. Write 1943 Star and Tribune.

AUTO MECHANIC A-l mechanic at nnce. Hudson rxper-Irriord prpfrrrrd. Top gcalc, best ot working conditioo. Jacic Warren. HENCIR MOTORS, INC.

2616 West Broadway, AUTO MECHANIC WE NEED (3 first clasa men at once. An exceptional offer to those who qual- iiy. see Mr. Keller. PETERSON-NASH CO.

INC. 3R15 LAKE ST. AUTO BODY MAN. A realopportunlty for a body man who Is Interested in high wages. permanent employment.

friendly management and many other extra advantage which we would like to discuss wllh you. Leo Merc.clr at Swanberg A Scheefe Co, 26 SE. 2 st. AUTO PAINTER Top wages. Incentive plan.

Group life insurance avaiiaoie. splendid opening for 1st class man. Mr. Brltt, Dependable-Motors, 600 S. 7th.

AWNING HANGERS Experienced men. Top hourly wages. plenty of overtime. Also shop man. r.xperiencea in frame A blue work.

Hennepin a v. AUTO BODY Body repair man. Top wages. Incentive plan. Croup life Insurance available Light At well ventilated shop.

Mr. Brltt Dejiendahle Motors. 600 S. 7th BARBER thoroughly experienced for high calss shop. Apply 9 to 5 Personnel Office RADISSON HOTEL BXRRER Tfiifvcrsily dlt Steady-" JobT 4r Mlh av sk.

BARBER wantecT-steady. Rahn's Barbef Shop. 201V2 s. Front st. MankatoMinn.

BARBER 75. Box 2. Clara City, Minn. Barn Handy Man Permanent position for single man who like horses, dogs A general work around suburban home. Plent room, ex-cl- Icnt board.

Quick transportation facilities. Good wages for rlflht applicant, Mao for this" lob should be sober A industrious. Mr. Valek, Employment office, 801 Washington av N. BLOCK LAYERS DR 4797; CH 9893.

BOYS Several young men for full or part time ushering. Apply after 2 p.m. Radio City Theater. BOY or man to work in grocery dent, full time Crystal Market, 22 West Lake st. BOY capable of learning trade.

Thru school. 409 Gorham Bldg. BOYS. FOR ROOT" BEER STAND 2909 WAYZATA KE 2921 BOY wanted to help in blue print dept. Mpls.

Blueprinting Co.j 5232nd av s. BUFFERS, experienced with aluminum. Pleasant shop A good wages. 310 Plymouth N. BUS BOY prefer over age 19.

Good wages, meals and uniforms furnished. Apply SONS, 623 Hennepin. BUS BOYS Boys 17 or over for 3 or 4 nights a week. 62c hour to atart. Brldgemans, 2528 Henn.

Apply manager or ass t. BUS BOY HOURS 8 P.M. TO 5 A.M. Rainbow Cafe 2916 Hennepin BUTCHER Good opportunity for 1st class meat cutter. 11 1905.

BUTCHER, 'apprentice. North location. CH 1386 or HY ,4221. CARETAKER for Older apt. bl'dg.

$125 A 5 rm apt. Also extra pay. Want exp. couple. BR 3059 mnrningS; CARETAKER.

Good livinE quarters. 25 Univ. av SE CARPENTES WANTED Working 60 hrs time A one half for overtime. Near Montevideo. Minn.

Write or phone T. Itibersnn Co 300 Corn Exch. Mpls. MA 7.r38 CARPENTERS with tools, out oftown work. Apply T.

E. Ibberson Company, 300 Com Exchange. Minneapolis. CARPENTERS. 1ST CLASS.

NO OTHER NEED APPLY. WA H307. CEMENT finisher A apprentice. Atlas Obstruction Co. RE 47I7: I.O B02 Position open, Milwaukee, Wise.

Transportation furnished. National organiza tion. Apply Mrs. Warner. Milwaukee Depot Rcstaura for a pol nt CHEF $100; CLERK $150; KIT.



900 S. 4T1I ST. CLEANER A presser. State experience. Write J.

Hansen, Estherville. Iowa. CLERK Elgin Hotel. 806 Hennepin. COMPOSITORS High gTade.

Also monotype caster or combination man preferred. Steady, Union, nights. Runkle-Thompson-Kovats. 620 N. Dearborn.


EXPERIENCED. 2835 Counter and Grill Men 6 days, meals uniforms furn. Good salarytostart.1781Henn.av. "COUNTER MAN, "exp." Day work, good pay. 1923 Henn.

av. DELIVERY boy for loop area, pay 60c hr. Must have bicycle. 124 S. 4th st DISHWASHER, machine operated.

$30 per wk. to atart plus meals uniform. p.m. No Sun. or holidays.

Loop Pharmacy. 932 Marquette. DRIVERS for semi-trailers, 2 yrs. exp. driving tandem trailers necessary, plus good record.

Schirmer, NE 2761. DRY CLEANING spotter presser to assist plant superintendent. Modern, progressive solvent plan, southern Minnesota. Doing over $50,000 a year. Good salary bonus.

State past experience. Write 4677 Star and Tribune. DRY cleaner or one who will lcarri. 1208 Nicollet. MA 3602.


FACTORY $1 .03 HOUR UP CITY A OUT OF TOWN ROOM BOARD PROVIDED BY CO. A CM EMPLOY ENT 102 S. 4TH ST FACTORY laborers. 2 men, $9" day. TwlnCity Labor 2nd stS.

Feed Flour Mill Experienced hand truckers wheRt shovelers. alternating shifts. 95c to $1 10 per hr. Apply In person. 3401 Hiawatha av.

FLORIST Thoroughly exp. Capable to dress win dows. Good wage and working cono. Write 5217 Star and Tribune. FOUNTAIN MAN F.xp.

Good opportunity for right party. Meals At uniforms furn. Maryland Drug, 110 W. Grant sL BR 0102. FRY COOK ExcpJlpnt opportunity for young fpllow to Work day WPt'K.

EJtcrllrnt wakcs. THE NORMANDY KITCHEN 405 South 8th St. AT 0223 Fry cook, exper. AT 6040 GROCERY MANAGER Live wire Grocery man wanted by growing chain concern, located tn Red River Valley. North Dakota.

Address applications to our representative. Mr. E. M. Sinclair, co Andrews Hotel or rontnet him Monday, June 2nd.

between 3 00 and 6:00 pin. at the Andrews Mr pel sonal Interview. JOHNSON STORES COMPANY Larlmnre, N. Dak. "grocery clerk "Wanted, expert KNCKD.

KE 1366. HANDY MAN (ALL AROUND) For general showroom cleaning A messenger work. Flxperlenced driver, mnr-rled. aged 25 30. See Mr.

Caleb, Employment Office. 801 Washington N. HOUSEMAN Good pay. Hampshire Arms Hotel. 900 4th av S.

HOUSEMAN Experienced for house A yard work. Priva te family. CO 8040. INSURANCE inspector for life insurance work. Should be 25 to 30.

nign scnooi graduate, have car A he able to type. Salary open. Mileage allowance for car. Write giving age. education, experience, salary expected to 4.VW biar ana Tribune.

JANITOR-FIREMAN for small office building wllh attached garage. Must be sole lo park auiomo- Must be lilies Good pay, Wrlte 8772 Star and Tribune. 'JANITOR, young man, to clean offices. Steady day work. Good hourly rales.

Apply employment office. Waldorf Paper Product 2236 Myrtle av, Mid way, JANITOR to work in loop office bldg. 44 hr. week. Apply 409 New York Life Bldg.

KITCHENWARE SALESMAN Experienced man to work for salary A bonus in retail store. Discount privileges. Nagel! Stores. 625 Marquette av. LABORERS Car Man and helpers, sheet metal workers, section laborers.

Mil waukee Road, 218 Henn. av. Laundry Supervisor Exper. man to take charge of early evening shift. Good pay.

Steady. Out standing opportunity for advancement. GROSS KROMCKS 1D01 NICOLLET AV. LINEMAN WANTED APPLY DONOVAN Construction Co. 1725 Carroll St.

Paul LINOTYPE OPERATOR Southern Mln-rtsota weekly has opening for linotype opirator capable of l'-i to 2 galleys 8 point per hour, and able to keep machine in good order. Must be experienced printer and willing to assist on floor part time each week. Pleasant working conditions. Unfurnished apart-ment for man and wife only will he available after June 15. Write 97H9 Star andTrlbune.

MAN for lawn A garden work. Salary plus rm, A hoard. MINNESOTA MASONIC IIOMB te 4. Minneapolis. CO 4334 MAN, young, neat appearing, with meat A groc.

exp. M'Tonka area, steady work Ph. Deephaven 2221. 1AN Young, for shop work. AutomaUc pr tg.

Equip. 1401 s. 3d st. MAN who can handle heavy truck on i mall farm In Edlna. WA 2724 MECTANICS (2) wanted', with IHC experience.

Write or call the Algnna Impl. Algona, Iowa, All replies confi dential and will be answered. MECHANIC, experienced repairing cranes A heavy duty machinery. Schnlt-zer Iron A Metal Co. NE 8816.

nc: -west comer of our new building. CHAMPION MOTORS COMPANY "JOHNSON "SEAHORSE" S.LES SERVICE Iun Frf Brown, hy Marine Oar, A--ii-i itniiif 7 At if S-vejai good used motors ELMER N. OLSON CO. 500 South 11th St. MA 5321 C.RAY MAR INK MOTOR.

u.b traiurolsslon. generator, suiter fburetir. Engine; Just overhauled with new 1 fcee Mr. Mills. Malfcer-1 21 st EViNRUDE MOTORS LM7 MODELS NOW DISPLAY KKPAIl't J.N ALL V.AKF.S AND MODELS vi f.tnt at mm fc'Al OJVLRS A types of (alivs wore and rx-at uprK.istermg.

sal. repair n6 awiilnw. Bring your prooiems to our If.K X-HfANtr BOATYARD. INC Lxr Minn. Pno.e 31: iHSviM 'RKAHCRiir M.I.)Ri CEhv'lCE PARTS LAKSON-OLSON CO.

NORTH WE. 'T PART DISTRIBUTORS a not SCOTT AT WATEft irrirhJjate dclive-y Ben Hot A freeze E'C'JILLARD HARDVARE 2S1 st DU 1174 DU772 USED BOATS ski rTios vnrn iv- A nlllloAHl) Rl'VAlIOIl srr a Ionka hay huat rx ri.Moti tpert Meter Repairing Open rvenlnts Until 8 M. i CKsri'e's C-bcard Shop M'haha Av. S. PA 5.H'1 Johnson Seahorse Motors 5 es SEPVIC-K Parts HOWARD'S MOTOR SHOP TTOfl CENTRAL AV NE.

SPCrRTSMEN Ciet tne finest" car-top en si nation Sk hunting beat you USED CAR FOREMAN. An exceptional opportunity awaits the man who is Interested in growing up with a rapidly expanding department In an old reliable Bulck dealership. Many future possibilities await the right man. Must have ability to supervise crew and at preent do some spray painting. Progressive management with definite future plans make this offer well worth Investigating.

See Don Crotty at Swan-berg A Scheefe Co. 14 University av NE. USHERS EVENINGS WEEKENDS APPLY IN PERSON AT RKO OR-P1IKUM AFTER ti P.M. USHER. Excel, salary.

Attractive hours. Apply A Hennepin. "WAITERS at Blue Line Cafe at Excelsior. Lake Minuet onka. Must be experienced.

Excel. 895. WHSE. STOCK MAN Must have at least 2 yrs. of actual shipping rm.

exper. Call Mr. Lawrence. BR 7851. Cook Paint Varnish Co.

99 GLEN WOOD AVE WASH MAN or Wringer Man STEADY WORK. TOP PAY ANCHOR LAUKDRY 2320 CENTRAL WATCHMAN. Reliable. Refs." No Janitor woik. Write 31:,4 Star anilTi lotine.


oltice bldg. 44 hr. week $37.03 per week, Apply 409 New York Life Uldg. WINDOW TRIMMER epcr. young man.

energetic, mr run time position. i.ejary. WrllejC 37 Star and Tribune. WOOL SPOTTER -EXP. Garber Cleaners 3.1IW K.

LAKE ST WOOL SPOTTER Exper. or will teach, steady Go.kI pay. Apply at once. Lowry Hill Cleaners. IHlrt Lyndale S.

WOOL SPOTTER Experienced on men's and ladles' clothe. Nlonllot Cleaners, H04 Nicollet. WE are otfcrlng a Man' an Opportunity to go into burner for himself without any investment. We have a garage rlnt In the loop. We furnish Hie Jobs and ail necessary equipment but we want an honest, conscientious worker.

Give full particulars about yourself, whether you are a si-monlzer. Car Painter or Mechanic. Write 4146 Star and Tribune. i a (ViMM No experience necessary, to learn the automobile undercoatlng process. We'll i nee'd11 IZ we ll do the rest.

s. Harry Paulson ul ae 11 rra st NE. YOUNG "men" (4i "Vrterani." Krai appearing. Ambitious. Free to travel California repre.

publishers. Drawing account. Rapid promotion. Transportation paid. Average $M) 00 weekly.

Apply O. Fisher, Radlsson Hotel. Room 330 1 0-12, 1-5 ji m. onl YOUNG men "under 25. neat, single.

Travel U. S. including Calif, and return with nationally known concern. $40 weekly guar, to start. Immediate exp.

advanced. Mr. Vretta, Hastings Hotel, 2-5 p.m. No phone calls. t-ood nours, reasonable wat-ea ro4im and board.

Give reference and experience In first letter. Write Hotel Pawnee. Brookines. S. Dak, NEW TOWN TALK DINER Young man 17 to 30 night shift.

11 to 7 a.m. $32 week. Good advancement. Call PA 69-17 for appt. Refs.

required. 2707i, E. Lake st. WANTED-RRICFJLaS'ERS Si day expenses over present Peoria scale of $2.25 per hour. Big Job.

Apply S. N. Nielsen Co. co Caterpillar Tractor Building KK East Peoria. Illinois.

P. O. Box 9R.Pone Peoria 3-4240. VETS, 18-23. "Single; Free to travel.

U. S. Aver. earn. wkly.

Trans, furn. A Job with a future. J. H. Vance, Hotel St.

Regis. 10-12 a.m. A 7-9 p.m. only, no pn. calls.

FRONT OFFICE desk clerk. 25 to 40. Permanent position with good salary, room and board. Bookkeeping experience given preference. Must type.

Mudbaden Health Resort, Mudbaden, Minn, MAN. young, for handy man and miscellaneous light work in store and commercial bldg. Good pay and future to Industrious man. Apply at store. 2S4 W.

tsroaqwa y. STRONG BOY wanted to work In laundry. Calhoun Laundry. 3009 Lyndale S. WANTED: Experienced mule spinner for woolen mill In Wisconsin, state fully experience and salary expected first letter.

j. retiu a i ii'iiiie. singl man to take care of lawn and gen. maintenance for apt. bids.

Can supply living quarters. 2015 Park ave. MA H301. VETS, single, under 25. free to travel West Coast.

Car furnished J160 mo. Guaranteed. Mr. Hodge. Parkway Hotc A I Salic.

WANTED experienced boners, boning foreman for h-se meat plant. Contract JameMown Pm king Company, North Dakota, WA NTE I 2 experienced architect liraf draftsmen. Write II. E. Klrkemo, Missoula.

giving age. experience. salaryexpe'ted and availability. HIGH school grad. for office work, typing and short hand pref.

Exccll. op-port. Apply 9IS Exchange. MAN wanted. Industrious A sober, to service dry cleaning A laundry equlo- ment.

A pp! 1003 Washing ton av A-l LINOLEU-M layer, top wages, good going business. Freed's Floor Covering Service, Luverne. Minn. YOUNG man, with some grocery experience, good wages, pood hours. Lincoln Grocery A Meat Co.


rToOK. 1 COUNTER MAN BILL'S GRILL KE 3921 YOUNG man to train for store mgr. PART and time hamburger shop. Good pay. No exp.

nec. AT 0938. May 2'J, 1017 21 ST. EMPLOYMENT JCEKCIES, MEN "Sales Trainees, 20-2S; ca ci'y $150-5175 during training about 4 then salary plus comm. expenses.

Accountant, 30-50. good bkgd 5 loop, $300. Sales, printing, Mpls. area, fam. letterpress offset, salary bonus.

Silk's, seed farm equipt hdqtr. Iowa, salary comm. SUPERIOR EMPI.OYMENT 9O0 Mct Llte Hldg. GE M7 STORE Mens A ladlea' clothlciT local Orea ACCOUNTANT, good ail around enp under 45 COST must have cost rip. PKPR accounts receiable.

5 d. CREDITS, accounting background, trying $200-225 TRAFFIC CLERK, traffic exp. FLOOR 25-35, acme retail esp. (150 SALESMAN, oil. grease or tire background.

Minn, terr $225- SALES, calling on Jobbers. Twin CHle $250 SALES young, car local $175 -r Employers Service WO Rand Tower. Mpls AT 249t 112' St. Paul GA 1307 BKKPR bus. type, "yr.g JR.

some Hopcuui esg or produce exp $2KJ SALES, prev. drug exp. SALK.S, exp. farm Imp, iOO SALES, yns ret. exp $225 PLANT chrme Steel MKl'H.

DRAFTS, pipe layout Open IND ENG garment tnd. exp. yy TRAINEE, learn bsines $140 Ciosod ail day Friday A Saturday GRAEBNER CO. 10 Syndicate Bldg th bet. Marq.

A XI e. MA "'-rl ne 98. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Fxo. retail monument Wonderful opportunity In factory territory. Company well known throughout Minn and So.

Dakota. A Iowa. Ijrge vol. of our Minn, business solicited In terr. now available.

Will pn-duce records on vol. of bs Will require fail time service of man with automobile, Whi have advantage of main factory display con xutlng of sev. Iiondird mou. and aev. thousand mkrs Wlrr.

call of wrtt. GUmcr MonuTO'-nt Works. Inc Howard I-ike. Minn Tele duilng office hoius lv; after hours. SALESMEN WELL EST.

CONCERN HAS OPEVINCJ FOR SALESMAN TO SKI FINEST POPULAR LINK OF DRESSES IN SO. MINN. At WIS!" MUST HAVE A GOOr f'AR AN ATTRACT PROPOSITION Ki nt THE RIOIIT PARTY. WRITE L. 3071 STAR AND TRIBUNE SALESMAN w.mled." sell a fui! 'In of popular priced curtains and rurtstn material for a New York manufacturer, to cover Minneapolis.

and lctn ly, commission basis, reference required. Barasan Curtain Corp, 473 Broadway, New York. Wonderful Opportunity Permanent position open. College trad- pieferred, under 30 Apply ai Gmcral Mll.s ery Products 4 0 ti a Srt SALESMAN reviiremnU' Ar 'JU. ut'nnU'lic.

prrvloii iprir lit airahif tut Iit Ii-rary. tIT5 rt'iiiniE 2 m'i tmlninf prlod. Writ SMr nr.lTrit.un- Vi; in 2 fcrt.rf work n3 larger Incom: A Hawirtgh J.inr im tor you If y-u can quiUy P'stil card rrquf will brlr. you fuU without You tfrm Mudy and difiilf Wrlt Raw.etth llTt 22Z- Minn. Mii for floor, Mlary plus ccf iiill'n.

WESTERN AUTO 12 1 I rnnrp In IP yOU HAVE AN AUTO Need 3 young men to assist manager traveling in Minn. A Wu. Good pay with chance for advancement. Apply Ssies Manager 415 Lumber Exchange Bldg 5th A Hennepin. SAI FSMAN working in the state of Minn lowa.

Wis and North and smith. see ua for line sell dealers. Prospects unlimited. modern ewuip. co.

1113 n.YM. lilJ)G gb pt AI TENTION men. Want 2 men." If noC Interested In selling don't apply. We 1U train you. Average earnings $1.50 per hr.

Apply between 9-12 noon. See Mr. L1-ber, 262H Emerson N. SALESMEN Free to travel. Traru porta! on fnrn.

TL hr. guaranteed. Apply 10 to 2. 6i3 Hennfpln. 2nd P.m.

210 YOUNG men (3i under 24. neat, ambi tious. Travel California, return. Nation ally known concern. No experience neo e.siary.

Transportation furnished. Mr. Cochran Dvckman l- rvnrn A TIC i EXPER. AD Vt RT! i-NJ 1 c.i.,-,- hlchMf fr r-rr1-. newspaper.

No. Mpls. Sun. CH 4497, 330 Edwy. 10M110 salesmen oetwn 35.

Good op- port to manage quality llne handled. Call store CE 1-43, SL, Paul. SALESMAN to represent old rellabl firm selling roofing A weatherstrtpplnf. 4 Hennepin. NON-CO MP ET ITT VE New.

spe hot' seller. Every hse. prospect. For agency, WAt4 factory rep. mom WA 0644.

MAN calling on Implement dealers Ad-ditlonal 4452. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN With car. atfiO0 ADVERTISING. Exp. men can earn tlM weekly jromm.

Per-n. BR4305. Young man with car. Good propoal-tlon Phone GE 0334. EDUCATION 102.

Business College I i I Medical Technician with or without business training FREE PLACEMENT I.AS.sES BEGINNING JUNE 2, 9 1 AND JULY 7 COLLEGE OF COMMERCE 1900 I.aSAI.LE AV. AT 3434 ACCOUNTING Complete training tn an Accounting lecti Day and Evening classes conducted by practicing Accountants Authorised for Veteran training. Day A ere. classes. ReeistraUon office open a.

into 9 p.m. dally. Academy at Aecouatancy 104 Lumber Exc' nge BR aMT LEARN SHORTHAND LV SIX WEEKS. Individual tnstruetloa SPEEDWRITING SCHQOL GE 3232 ffl. Miiclr rianrlno- anrl fleamatiA srr'rtuv training lur vir-Llndy.

fox trot waits, rumba, etc. LaVay's. Above Nankin Cafe. CO 59H "Waltz, fox trot. dip.

rumba. Lindy. etcT PALMS Dancing Son. 703 Henn. MA 8S 5 private lessons $5 Open 1 to 10 pu 104.

Vocational Tralnlne RADIO ELECTRONICS Training In Radio Maintenance? Radio CommunlcatlcKis: F. Industrial Electronics: Day and Night Classes Veterans accepted under I For details come tn. write or pnoos N. W. VOCATIONAL INST.

745 Grand St Paul FL -3309 National Radio School Day and Night classes cow fonnlnf. This Is your opvurtunity to get into electronics. Radio operation and Radio Repair. Well qualified lnstruotors, modern equipment latest methods, real shop training. Veterans trained under Gl Bill of Rights.

For d-tails come In, write, or call BR 2588 Entire 2nd Phoenix 60 S. 4th St, Mpls- 1 DE PONTI AVIATION INC. announces the opening of new classe In our airplane A eniine'i C.A A. A proved Mechanic School Courses available under I bill iThere are only 35 approved Mechanic schools In the U- i Call DU M74 or write De Pontl AvU'ion Co Inc Municipal Airport. Minneapolis.

Minn. Hinck Flying Service Enroll now for private, commercial. Instructor, instrument Muitl-englne and sea plane ratings. All courses available under GI MIL Flight A ground classes, day A night. Republic Sea Bee Distributor.

Wold Chamberlain Airport. DXJ 1496. Montlcello. phone 38. VOCATIONAL ART TRAINING GENE HUNDREDMARK SCHOOL.

INC. 903 Marquette ay. Msls. AT 079 EnT'CLOPEDIA ERtTS-VNlCA" -SET. Brat offer.

GL 747S. FREEZERS 18 cu. ft. deluxe freezer 12 cu. ft.

deluxe freezer 6 cu. ft. deluxe freezer All with sharp freezing compartments White enamel or stainless steel Inter- loft. Now available at new low prices. 740 Washington av N.

FREEZERS Get our money saving prices. New 15 cu. ft. only $295. 8 cu.

It. monel 12 cu. ft. cabinet, slightly damaged, $150. Easy terms HOLVERSON'S.

109 Lake. CO 3123 FREEZERS IMMEDIATE delivery Mpt. Showcase A Fixture 1007-13 Washington av S. AT 553 GA-S HANOE. Lll.

oven. $25: C-h 14 cu. ft. air compressor. $10.

2226 Fremont S. HAND BOD CtjTTEiT for saieTTias all steel blade. 12 In. width $16 50. WA 8195 LAWN MOWER EXCHANGE new A reconditioned lawn mowers.

$7 A up Nl LO4432. LETTUCE crates. 6c "each." RE 9092. 2M" Garfield S. LOCKERS All steel box type in tiers of 5 high on 6" ledge suitable for- Bowling Alleys Schools Gymnasiums Factories Offices Clubs Ventilated, doors, friction catch with padlock attachment.

Single row or back to back. Assembled, ready to Install. Available Immediately A priced at only $2.95 each Delivered to your door. Write, Wire or Phone A'! Makes Typewriter Co. PHONE AT 241.1 11 FAR.MAN ST.

OMAHA. NEB. MAGAZINE EXCHANGE 1K.4 SOUTH WASHINGTON OIL BURNER, Norge Circulating, aaoT Hampshire av. St. Louis Park.

ice boxes, gas stove (R. 11. Oven l. bed springs. WA 5722.



ROlj.ER SKATES. 2 pr. Chicago. ST 200) Rummage Sale 3.50 Dupont basem*nt apt. Leaving rity Very good articles, including girl's ci'.

th'-S. 8 to 14 KummatSai1325 Wash. S. fl urnrnage Sale7l22 'STSiWtC RummaqeSale, 1200 Marq. TRELLIS HEADQUARTERS 45TH STA CEDAR AV TYPEWRITERS, reritedr repaired, sold.

All makes. Type Exchange, 105 S. 6 st. TYPEWRITER, bathtub, w. sink, rouch: beds: rug.

ally. 11Y WATER AtTTO $5 A. UP KXTENSH AND STEP LADDERS 2122 Riverside av. AT 5708 Immediafe Delivery llfitpolnt. S2 gal, automatic hot water heater 1.19 7 Imnrhe irfner pi-e genuine Lloyd chrome kitchen sefn Genuine Lloyd ai-ateel lawn chairs 3f-G ga autoinatlc water hter Garden hose 3 Mottle Coolers, 2t cae capacity.

fhmp! motors, 4 95 65 SO 95 4 $270.00 14-ft. Aluma Cra.fl bots VANGEN-ANDERSON Corner of Irving A W. Lake st PL XiW. NORGE Refrigerators, washers, hot water heaters. A Nvrge circulating oil heaters.

We are making deliveries e-very dsv on some items At taking orders for future deliveries. Also kitchen sinks cabinets. On time pvrnent plan. NICOLLET-LAKE HOME APPLIANCE rr LP 2e.7 PHIinERS AND CONTRACTORS AT-'1 EN i Idni Tremendous savings stainless stctl tin tops and cabinet bases. NORMAN APPLIANCE CO ''H EAST LAKE ST.

DU S393 JUNOT.E HAMMOCKS BRAND NEW $1 95 ARMY-NAVY SERVICE 5UPPLY 900 HENNEPIN" AVE. DELIVERY. NOW livery, no side Firestone deal- ER INC FREMONT A W. P.DWY 1940 HUDSON car radio. Oil circul.TTlr.

4-5 nu. si. 5 rm. circul coal heater. All In exc.

rond. 1V 7072. SKVKRAL Maytag washers, like new, 20 vjc cleaners, 4 motors. 219 S. 7th St.

AT i i. SO GAL WATER HEATER Deep pump, white paint CII Hildebrand Hardware. CH 2555 GOV'T SURPLUS All sire Lag screws per lb. 03e 1319 S. Washington av AT P093 UNIVERSAL 5 speed heat control elec tric inn.

IS) 33 CRIBS, 2 large, 1 has lnnersprlng mat tress. PE 0415. 88. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED CASH PAID for gji atnln room. Mvlm room, Bedroom cu ranppi.

rue. tc. Call our ppralaer to coma out to your borne NEW ENGLAND ANNEX Nicollet A at 3-d st MA R711 Sewing Machines Wanted t', USED SINGER SEWTNO MACHINES Generous pi ice paid All cah deala. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. tJik- t.

2679 casn prices paid for plumbing fisturea. plpea radiators, doors, sash lumber, etc. Rose Brothers Lumber Suptov Co. MA HJ73 Wanted tpewrlters and adding machines Will pick U'j, Typewriter Clearing Ann 112 4th St. MA 8977 GENTLEMEN why "self your old clothes lor a song we pay up to sin for men's suits 124 st.

MA FUHNITURK' DEALER pays Highest Cash price for used furniture, sew niarh At household fo-ds GE0522 HAIR CLIPPERS, new drier on stand, recond. $10-515 iNm'l ISf-auty Supply, 606 Henn. GK 63j4 WANT OLD AND NEW FEATHERS. CALL NE 8410 WANT "WASH, MACil. At FURN.

MISCT! GE 3710 BR 10: Ustd fuinlture sets, sew. machines. ail elect, apph BR 6R55 TOP PRICES for old washing machines. vacuum cleaners and motors AT 1513 ICASH Bathtub, sinks, furnaces, suits, (motors, rags, scrap iron. HY 6905.

CASH for Ju used lawnmower. IKE 39. j'NEKD bsTiily lawn mower. iTvmcbZ A Joebcot. PA 3848.

"dining ROOM KITCHEN A BEDROOM FURNITURE. AI. 4553 VET WANTS Refrigerators, working or not. GE OoHY. 89.

DOGS. BIRDS. PETS HORSE meat," dry dog food. Cana'rles, finches, parakeets A bird houses. Com plete line of pet supplies.

Hours 9 to 7 Uptown Aouarlum. 2M31 Hennepin. TERRIERS. Shepherds. St.

A. puppies. Locke Kennels, Wayzati plione 530R. Oren eves. BOXER, male.

yrs. Reg. A ped. Ribbon winner. 'Tonkahof Kennels.

OR W. 11' nu .1 Irt'kh or frozen, wholesale 34th av s. rcg. slivers. 36 st, St.

L. Par. iEW.tZ irirh xt-iu-z pup. "MV AL 6703. i'APIKT CAGES, $1 A UP DUPoNT N.

AL 6703 co*ckER spaniel pups R'g. Buffs, stud service. $25. OR W77M. Goi.DF.N co*cker" female, 3 im; 4 1st av dr 7793.

90. LIVESTOCK, FARM EQUIPMENT ONE new Ford Ferguson "tractor cultl- vntorHM. AL 471L ONE 3-bottom used Case tractor plow. 4711. FORTUNE tractor and plow.

Good shape. Call before 3 o'clock, 580 37th av NE. Man interested in permanent work with natl. organization. Local man to train as manager of Refreshment Dept.

Good salary during training. Must be willing to leave city. Write for personal interview, giving full details, age, education and experience. Write 4445 Star and Tribune. MECHANICS Exp.

trurk mechanics for night shift Shady employment. Ec Service Man- GENERAL TRUCK A EQUIP. CO. 1 40 N. 11th St.

MEAT cutter, experienced. Crystal Mar-ket, 25 University av SE! Men 18 to 40 $29 a Week to Start Rapid salary advancement, meals and uniforms furnished, vacations with pay, life insurance and sick benefits at no cost to you. White Castle System 2002 4TH AVE. S. MEN Part time, evening and week-enj work.

Pleasant and profitable occupation. No selling or canvassing. In states of North and South Dakota only. Ages 21 to 65. Knowledge of simple arithmetic main qualification.

Write Mr. John Doherty, 1043 Plymouth Mpls Minn. MEN to plant trees A shrubs. Rose Hill Nursery. Take Como Harriet car to Eustls.

MEN. 5 day week, out of town. Good wages. Call DU 4069. MESSENGER Boy for mall A messenger service.

S. graduate. Good hours A pay. Oppor tunity for advancement. See Mr.

Gotign GAMBLE ROBINSON CO. 301 N. 5TH ST. METAL men, experienced, for newnody St fender shop. Apply Mississippi Dec orators.

2lo6 5lh av MULTIL1TH press men. lyxip. day wk Attractive pay. Glle Letter service, AT 3471. MUSICIAN Violinist for teaching position, permanent with est.

mu.slc school. West Coast. Write 9693 Star and Tribune. OFFICE BOY Stock room A mall duties. No exper.

necessary. 5 day week. Insurance office 1690 N.W. Bank Bldg. OFFICE WORK Opportunity for younj; man In home of fice of Hie Insurance to.

rermaiienl. 5 day week. Boo N. Y. Llfe Hldg.

PAINTERS, $15 "for "8 hr day week. Only ltt class union mechanics under 50 need apply. Alrmill Key C. srharr, 1220 3rd av Great Falls. or phone 7437 at 6 p.m.

S. time. PAINTERS, Swing Exp. 'a Tuck "Pointers. Twin City Sand Blast.

DR 2262 A DR 425. PAINTERS--NEW WORK, NO LOST TIME. UNION DR .5036 PHARMACIST, registered. Good hoursT snlaiy open. Charles T.

Miller Hospital, College St. Paul, GA 3783. Ext. 170. PHARMACIST Manage drug store "sniaTT town Northern Minn.

Living quarters avallahle.WrlteL 1517 Staan Tribune PHARMACIST lor downtown St. Paul store Excellent opportunity for good, aggressive man. Apply Gray Drug office. 287 E. 6th St.

Paul. CE 1743; PATROLMAN Uniformed patrolman for law enforcement worlc on University rampua starting July 1st. High school graduate. age 33-30, riot under ft. 10 In.

A IKS lbs. Starting salary $203 mo. Interested applicants should apply Immediately. University of Minnesota 17 Administration MalriCampus PHOTOGRAPHER Experienced operator to travel on road. Must -have car.

Universal Studios, 920 Nicollet. PORTER Very fine coffee shop. Desire good worker under age 50. Top wages, meals and uniforms furnished. Apply ERICKSONS, H22Hennepln.



In both machine A hand pressers. Apply 3rd Iloor. JUSTER BROS. PRESSER Fxpfrlpnred for men's rlothrs. Strndy employment.

Apply Royal Lftunderera ClP-uiPrfl, '2924 S. PRESSER Men's presser wanted. Apply Eagle Cleaners, 913 VV. Lake St. PL 2444.

Ask for Mr. Brown. PRESSER Combination A wool presser. Hennepin Cleaning, 2520 Central av PRESSER. experienced, steady work, good salary.

Paid holidays A vacations, good working conditions. 4811 Nicollet av. CO 8900. PRESSER, "good wages. Best working conditions.

Ace Dry Cleaners. 1907 Plymouth. AL 4531. REFRIGERATOR man. commercial and household, also for bottle ges Installation and service.

Write 1436 Star and Tribune. ROOM clerk A switch board operator combination, experienced. Apply Hotel Normandy, 405 S. st. RUG A CARPET CLEANERS ATTENTION Wanted, reliable man who knows rug A carpet cleaning business, to manage a rug cleaning establishment In Mpls.

on a 50-50 basis. No investment required. Write 1342 Star and Tribune. SALESMAN, pvper retail hdwe. Old established store.

Steady position. Bill- man's, 250S Central. SALESMEN Well established concern has openings for salesmen to sell one of our many services. Good salary. Mast be neat appearing and of good character.

See Mr. Reuben. GROSS KRONICKS 1501 NICOLLET AVE. Sheet Metal Worker Want experienced young man who can measure mark layout of spouts, tanks, dust collectors, on 20 to 14 ga. gal.

iron for maintenance repairs or new work. Ncxthrup, King Co. 1500 JACKSON ST N.E. GR 3501 SHOE-Tilesman young man with experience in shoe fitting. Benefits such as health.

A sick insurance benefits, vacations, etc. See Mr. Carlson, Dr. Scholls Foot Comfort Shop, 930 Nicollet. SILK SPOTTER Steady employment.

Apply Royal Laun-derers A Cleaners, 2921 Lyndale S. SILK SPOTTER Good opportunity, good wages, steadv work. Apply at once. Write 2919 Star and Trlbune. SILK spotter and cleaner First class living quarters If desired.

(4 rm. prlv. hath, i G. Lofti. 215 E.

Henn. GE 3773. SPOTTER FOR WOOL MASTER CLEANERS 1312NICOLLET STOCK BOY Age 18 to 25. Full time job with discount privilege A chance to work Into selling. Nagell Stores, 625 Mar- quette av Wise home buyers consult Star and Tribune "Houses lor Sale" ads.

FREEZERS 18 cu. ft. deluxe freezer 12 cu. ft. deluxe freezer 6 cu.

ft. deluxe freezer All with Sharp freezing compartments, white enamel or stainless steel interiors. Now available at new low prices. Clinton's. 740 Washington av N.

FREEZERS BOTH RETAIL A WHOLESALE Save. Buy direct from factory. Home freezers, bottle coolers, display cases. Ice-cube makers. A1J sizes.

5-6 Inches of cork insulation. MINNEAPOLIS FREEZER 2S11 Nicollet Ave. S. PL 3970 ADVANCED FARMERS. ATTENTION 1 WE OFFER Crown Barn Gutter Cleaner i Guaranteed Barn Ventilating stariine Barn Equipment Hay Drying Equipment Advanced Farm Planning Estimates Free.

FARM ENGINEERING SALES Savage. Minn. Consulting Agricultura 1 Engineers FARM MACHINERY AND AUTOMOBILE AUCTION We will have another big Auction at the Arlington Fair Grounds June 3. Hay bailers and Combines are in good demand, also any other good mchy. Get your listings In now This Is the last sale until fall.

Sibley Co. Auction Arlington. Minn. PHONE 3 or 15V3. Surge Milk Coolers and drop-in units 4.

6. 8 and 10-can sizes; also to 2 I LP. drop In units for your own tank. CLINTON'S, 740 Washington avN. ELCO "plant .8 EA B3Tf TfiTau nm i at tc' light power plant with heavy duty batteries, light bulbs 2 small motors.

All in good cond. $225 takes all Call or write Charles R. Kate, 120 Plymouth AT 2.079. FOR SALE Attachment to change irom nana to nynraullc lift me cultivators 221 $.10. 229520.

23KG IHC cylinders. $16 set; attachments lor mounting pump on F20 $20. Discount to dealers. Kurtz Daniels, Everly, Iowa FOR SALE Registered Holsteln herd at private treaty. Consisting of 47 head 26 milk cows, 19 heifers Including 6 bred heifers due In fall.

Farm located 3 miles SE. of Ellendale, Steele Co ChHsJenj8ejOihhs Ellendale, Minn. 1946 Ford Ferguson with a hydr DozcF and scoop. $1,575. 1941 Allla-Ohalmers wllh cultivator.

$1,195 Johnson Motors. Red Wing, Minn. 1200. Open until 9 m. WANTED New tractors, corn pickers, combines, any size or make; power mowers, side rakes Describe.

Low price. Charlton Seed WANT new A B. John Deere H7 m. international tractors. Also new corn pickers.

1715 Jefferson St. Pa I. BROWN SWISS. mo. old.

Elec. brooder, sprayer and other farm equip. Stolze Farm, Maple PlalnMlnn. NEW 12' truck bodies! cTmpieu wTfh ixiiw at a or original costl While Ihey last GS 2J39 or CH 2784 425 7th St. Mpls.

2 NEW CORN PICK ERA Internationals No. 24; Mounted 2 row. Better buy while available Charlton Seed Store. Phone Mfi, Chariton. Iowa.

WANTED A7ny quantity baler John Deere self tying baler. Baler twine, bale ties. Describe, price. Charl- on KeodS Chart on WANTFLV New or used self-propelled combines, 14 ft. or smaller, also swather Will pay top price.

Write 1433 Star and Tribune. WANTED New or tisedN'e'w 50 McCormlrk haler. Will pay premium also baler twine. Write 1434 SfarinrtTrlbune. FOR s'ALE A-2 Minneapolis Mollne corn sheller mounted on truck with new Mercury motor.

Call 18-F-30. Balaton. Or write Garland Schultz. Balaton. Minn.

BEAUT, spotted "saddle mare. Western saddle and bridle like new, $50. Shet land pony harness, new $25. will trade 2flth av At 6flth St. Dft 35H9.

RIDING HORSE." beautiful tinari "with light inane and tall, 7 yis. old. Iteas. Pirf health. 1IY 3056.

MINNEAPOLIS cornshenerrvr "oldT mounted Meivin C'hrlstof fer. Lakcfield, 75 110. FOR SALE. John'beefe 6 on sfeerSerfaT No. 69767; also.

PO 3-14 plow. R. V. Baumgartner, R. 1.

Northflcld. Minn. WANTED- di' 8. 9 or 10-ft. combines for my own use.

also swather. Will pay premium. Write 1432 Star and Tribune. 1947 FORD" Ferguson Tractor and Equir ment, will trade for used tractor. GR SMI, Est BARDIN MOTOR.

815 S. 6th St. buys tractors, cultivators, plows, all types of lrucksTop cash prices. GE 4704, Mpls ALLIS-CHALMERS C. starter, P.T.O.

belt pulley two-row cult. $1,050. Write 7. 9R53 Star and Tribune. 4 SECTION steel lever harrow.

22 used very little. Stanley Chromy, New JPrnguc, Minn. ONE Dclco light plant, 32 volt, 800 watt.Used. $58 AL3347 SAD. A bridle, $15; work A driving nam.

Horses. 3403 Cedar. 19-15 NCM Sllcer baler, cond. A Case block baler. Montlcello 5F20.

92. FEEDS AND SEEDS FOR SALE Wheat, rye, A oats straw baled. Delivered In truck loads. Fred-rlclt A Schlueter. Gibbon.

Minn. 95. POSITIONS WANTED, MEN ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Payroll Tax and Income Tax Service. Part-time Basis Reasonable Rates. CO 4330 St.

Paul, EM 3980 honor grad. with acctg. malor. 5 yrs. public acctg.

exn. covering auditing, taxes, cost, systems, etc. Dependable. Write 8432 Strand Tribune, ASSIST. OFFICE MG'R.

bookiteeper. exp. 115.., Bus. coll. grad.

Good ref. WriteZ 9726 Star and Tribune. CHAUFFEUR, wishes work. IP censed. Write 5177 Star and Tribune.

CLAIM MAN Experienced Fire and Casualty. Avallahle June 1st. Write 6783 Star and Tribune. DRIVER, wants good 5o Will drlveBnywhere. Age20.

RE EXP. mid. age cpl, desires caretaker Job, wife full time, man part time. Low press.lle.Best refBR292 MAN, 32. 2 years college, BBA.

sales record, retail and wholesale, some production time study. Will accept any Job with future, except road selling. Some acctg. No ear. A 0078.

PRODUCTS "to" sell on straight cb'mmls sion. Manufacturer to retailer basis. Southern Minn. Calling on hardware and dealers. Bulk and S.S.

drug and variety stores. Will consider other outlets. What have you? Write 5137 Star and Tribune. Wanted Part Time Work for Gl students afternoon PR nc- NIGHT-" OiTDAY FULL OR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT wanted by veteran stu-(Vnts Call PL 2426 COUPLE with 2 children desire job and living ouarters on farm. Write 6855 Star and Tribune.

VVANTED--GardenlngTTiahay with tools. Can cook; neat, elderly man. Rels. Write 5161 Star and Tribune. WANT yard work.

90c-hour. West Side only. PR 2092. WATCHMAKER, experienced, licensed. write 5222 star and Tribune.

YOUNG man. Acct. desires pos. with sales future pref. CH 8768.

TWO vets want odd Jobs, wall washing, etc, BR 7421. 96, HELP WANTED, MEN USE CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE It you do not want blind ad replies te fall into certain hands Simply address your reply to the number In the ad attaching a list of parties yon do not want your reply to reach. Place both In another envelope addreaa to Confidential service. Star-Trlb. Mpli 15 If your guess la right, we'll destroy your letter ASSEMBLERS DRILL PRESS OPERATORS WELDERS Needed for 3:30 p.m.

to Midnight Shift St. Paul Hydraulic Hoist Div. Gar Wood Industries, Inc. 2207 UNIV. AVE.

S.E. MPLS. ASSISTANT TO MGR. We are seeking a young man who is Interestf-d in jiairs prrmotion woiK and advert islnr. Pre'eratly with experience In ref rigera lion, electrical supplies and hardware.

Must he good typist stenographer, have init Itatlve A be Minx to work. In your application, state education, experience. nationality Ac salary expected. Write 3120 Star and Tribune. AUTO BODY MAN Experienced.

Steady. Anderson, 1407 1st av BAR BOY. APPLY AFTER 1 P.M. 2609 26th av S. Light weight, fate, sturdy and Rezatr the miracle vacuum cleaner.

Call a boat you wi.l enjoy for many years, at once for demonstration lmmed. de-see. 4122 Vlrr.t N. ijjverv. CH 34 "33" yriT OUTSIDE WTliTE PAINT OVTBOARD MOTOR SALES ERVICSS fJAL.

PAIL IMJJlFDIATft D- sales. of TELEPHONE SOLICITOR "PiMlddleage- man. full or part time. "V.j' i' A commLsslon. Drew A Eon, 4 SALES fc SI-KVICE i 'VI Hennep'n MA 371 "ITB-IAKD MOTORS y.

ate i i Np.r f. p. a lfr r.Dl.NA OACAGK St LLECTKIC CO. 449 FRA.N'.g AV 1693 I APD MOTORS See our EVINPUDB LINE Rtpalr service, lactorv mcrnanlcs MOTOR CO, Ei.t in av. MA c.7 FLYING Krldge Chris-Craft Commuter, 34 ft.

long, twin sere. (Oerps speeds to ml. h. Many eatraa. -sun sens Co.

54 E. Superior Mir.n. r. f.iot cabin cruiser iTrus- cT.i One year old. but ony run 20 h-wn Price $4 Ftt write Vltiro M.


Broay. CH 7S! Frd 15-ft "speedboat. TTiiie an h'ur. -ctmp. equipped with See EU1 Powers.

M. Cloud. X-ELVXe lW'St '4 runabout with 'sse-t tnw.t iise sner action, Boti cond- J4W- PA I'RIV. prtv needs 'cash Mufet sell 14' p.v-vj fishing in HP. Johnson A- '47 D.s f.

HP Hiawatha motors. OITBD MOTORS nni f-rrvlce Csrl--i. linhs av. DM 5113 Tt.urs. tilftts "t'vLD S-urie cf these fu.fl be ideal 1 i uictwr b(iia, $10.

AI ie? 2IT. silphCy warred harid.lng, now $179. West- runs-uf. New "22 II ISvlh'rucTe f.Z load trailer. Direct Serv- rii, C- mv nvnnv S7 motors tmT F1KLD.MAN, construct, estimating iralnlne.

r3S Tn ti SALF, exper. bakery supplies, with car. Twin Cities Sal. A bonus VOCATIONAL BUREAU 1310 FOFHAY TOWER MA 2312 SALES Auto serv. mgr 000 SALES Food promotion expr $3.

son SALES Indust. sales exp $3 6''0 SALES ENGR. Elect, or SALES Ma), tobacco exp $3,300 SHOP Aute- mech $250 TRAINEE Learn floral des $215 LAB. ASST Micro, expr $210 ACCOUNTANT To 40, hd. ACCOUNT AN To 4(1.

supv. dept. $325 STOCK CONTROL Use rnmpl TRAFFIC ASST. Yng exor WALKER EMPLOYMENT 537 N. W.

Bank Bldg. GE 033(5 BKPR. TYPIST to 43. exp INVF-STIGATOR typ. CHIEF ACCT.

32-27, hvy. exp. 1300-350 ASST. ACCT. 22-27.

mllg SALES screens, awnings, etc Oien SALES auto, equip SALES confer, spec, vrrg Open SALES TRNEE soft line Personnel Bureau 900 N. W. Rank Wrtg. BR SIM SALES Auto No. Dak.

SALES Struct, sted exp JJ'-o MGR Shipping, stock. Invent SALES Hakery product exp. up CREDIT MAN Budget exper. .51 75-200 ACCT. G.I.

Tram. Minn. SALES Train, IIS. grad. BKPR Hvy.

ouulp. BKPR Ledger, Vf Alert $175-200 GI $175 $150 JAMES ELLS SERVICE 9,9 Plymouth Bldg. BR1131 SALES'. "elec. Duluth Open" SALES, to groceries, etc Si'OO-r PAI.ES.

city, young $175 ACCOUNTANTS, several, young. $275 male $,175 CLERKS, young $130 Business Professional 734 Lumber Exch 5th A JIenn LI 18! TRAINEE Credits, type Rill advertising Travel, col TRAINEE Sales, sin! col. $150 up UlULAllOa U1KM T. prOt S23S NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT 342 Kresge 628 Nicollet. BR 1520 PHYSICIAN" for residency.

approved' for GI training A college of sur geons. Good living quarters, salary. Medical Placement GE 7R39 REGISTRY 916 Med. Arts rret-e Codeo Valley Motors. YOUR GOODWILL BAG HELP ivji, THE AT8 225.

j'l-rvON pT Rea'dv ru'l starter WANTED, to buy a small canoe. Call Perfect cwid 7o. l'X'5 Nlccilet. AT GR 03 p.m. KK 79- I MONEY lor oil grown clotHes, size 1-44.

'3 iike new, Cniidri n's Gannent Arc ir.atthed set feel shaft cubs. 22 re- HIGHEST cash price paid for furniture PL S92. jand noiueriolrl oods. AT 34 OUTBOARD MOTOR REPA'RLNG WANT "sewing marhlhwT Unload-cow. s.

3725 M'nsha Av DU 5113 I Pa McCaf trey, RE 8315 op-n Mm. Thura. Nlghu NEED elec. working or not; CRAFT Utility. 16 4 rvt.

stw. mach. lurrutore. AT 1013. O-n manr.e motor.

Uke new, S95. i WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD HOUSE-T-cg Grant Mound Phone colieft. eiPI.p FURNITUPE BR 8787 CHEFS i. st cn-roirs! s.n up.

assert- merr E. Lake. RE 045 KA 39 10 hp. alternating Johnson out Jft'i 5Harry 1204 Jiennepin av. "fHELL LAKE runab Mif.

"New hp motor Cedar KTVGFIKTR rciats Martin motors, frst trai'ent. 4132 Wayrata blvd. HVSON Twin outtioard motor. Mod. HP DP 2-2.

32(3 av S. 81. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE GAS WATTR HEATERS NEW." $f7 25 2(vgal. $74.50 RE 527. ALTOMAT1C gs hot water hester.

10" v-. guar Bet la town. AT EaY buggy At studio couch. Cheap. 15 Cataia OI 8U9.

EaLY E'JGGY. G'XKi condition. $10. pa srrmg A 2 ttiattress. i-e la-ge library tab.e, elec.

Iron. iwr. rwer. 100 gai. galvanlred gas 'in At nory.e (X) 9615 DINNER COOKS Positions now open for Dinner and Pastry co*cks in one of our new modern restaurants Permanent Employment Training for higher positions Group Life Hospitalization Insurance Company paid retirement.

Vacations with pay APPLY The Foodmaster Co. 914 MARQUETTE AVE. SO. 2ND FLOOR Immediate and permanent employment with a growing midwest restaurant chain. Position now open in our largest and finest restaurant, including dining room and coffee shop.

An unusual opportunity for an experienced chef. Salary open. Company group life and health Insurance. Company paid retirement plan. Paid vacations.

Excellent prospects for promotion. APPLY TODAY The Foodmaster Co. .914 MARQUETTE AVE. SO. 2ND FLOOR Bov's.

kltiihen sink co*ckER Spaniel puppy, beautiful black Oregrn av. jfimale. reg. 3 mo. 4749 14th av So.

7 cu. Ir, hme free7er $'5 1 OLD RiUidle Boxer, female, st oVs Pa'k 3 '5 ood show quality. NE3554. rEP TP.rrzr. 13 rv ft isso." siiorthaik pups.

3215 31 MA 073 EVPS AV DR 7.t.V"l. appliances E'pc, ranje. Ksv llf.O in-inc V.s.t;r.c Laundromat Fi'ter Qupcr. Cleaner TfiAr-E-LN ALLTV'A v. CONVENIENT TERMS Gacbert's 3035 Nicollet.

riC. new. 52 gaL, $145. LO 0216..

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


What is the largest newspaper in Minneapolis? ›

Minnesota Star Tribune
"The Heart and Voice of the North"
FoundedMay 25, 1867 (as the Minneapolis Tribune) August 19, 1920 (as the Minneapolis Daily Star)
HeadquartersStar Tribune Building 650 3rd Ave S. Suite 1300 Minneapolis, MN United States
Circulation242,270 Daily 351,180 Sunday (as of 2024)
OCLC number43369847
9 more rows

Where is the Star Tribune headquarters in Minnesota? ›

Star Tribune, 650 3rd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55402, US - MapQuest. Learn more about our mobile apps. Learn more about our mobile apps.

When did the Minneapolis Star and Tribune combine? ›

In April 1982 the Minneapolis Tribune merged with the Minneapolis Star, forming the Minneapolis Star and Tribune.

Can I read Star Tribune for free? ›

When you subscribe, you can view all the articles, blog posts and other content you want—across all digital platforms. Readers without a subscription can read a limited number of articles every 30 days. Subscribe Today for Unlimited Access.

What newspaper has the most readers? ›

The newspaper with the highest print circulation in the United States in the six months running to September 2023 was The Wall Street Journal, with an average weekday print circulation of 555.2 thousand. Ranking second was The New York Times, followed by The New York Post.

What is the oldest newspaper in Minnesota? ›

The Minnesota Pioneer, credited as the first paper printed in the new Minnesota Territory, published its first weekly edition in Saint Paul, Minnesota, on April 28, 1849, under editor and publisher James Madison Goodhue.

Who owns the Star Tribune Minnesota? ›

The Star Tribune is owned by Glen Taylor, a billionaire who also owns the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Minnesota Lynx. He bought the paper for about $100 million in 2014, several years after it filed for bankruptcy.

How many subscribers does the Minneapolis Star Tribune have? ›

Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the 155-year-old Star Tribune is the third largest metro daily newspaper in the United States, and the fourth largest on Sundays. The company implemented a paywall in 2011 and today has about 100,000 paid digital subscribers.

What is the oldest newspaper in the United States? ›

Founded prior to American independence, The Hartford Courant is the country's oldest newspaper in continuous publication. On October 29, 1764, New Haven printer Thomas Green began publishing The Hartford Courant (then known as The Connecticut Courant) out of the Heart and Crown Tavern in Hartford, Connecticut.

Who was Minneapolis named after? ›

Its name was derived from the Sioux word minne, meaning “water,” and the Greek polis, for “city.” St.

How old is Minneapolis? ›

Minneapolis was incorporated as a city in 1867, and in 1872, it merged with St. Anthony.

Was Minneapolis or St Paul first? ›

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- St. Paul become a city in 1854. For Minneapolis, it was 1867. More than 150 years, later the Twin Cities are two distinct places.

How much is the Star Tribune single copy? ›

The Star Tribune sells about 53,000 single copies during the week and about 119,000 on Sunday. The St. Paul Pioneer Press charges 25 cents for single copy sales in Ramsey, Dakota and Washington counties. It charges 50 cents for single-copies everywhere else.

Is there an app for the Minneapolis Star Tribune? ›

The Star Tribune app is free to download, and all users enjoy a sampling of articles. Star Tribune Subscribers get full access to the app, plus unlimited access to, with a qualifying subscription. SUBSCRIPTION SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Get your first month FREE!

Is there a way to read newspapers online for free? ›

With databases like EBSCOHost and Pro-Quest, library users have free access to top newspaper publications like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and more. In Pro-Quest, U.S. Major Dailies, you'll find U.S. national and regional newspapers.

What is the largest daily newspaper? ›

The 5 Largest Daily US Newspapers
  • The Wall Street Journal.
  • The New York Times.
  • USA Today.
  • The Washington Post.
  • Los Angeles Times.
Jul 25, 2024

How big is the Star Tribune? ›

Star Tribune Media General Information

The company publishes daily and Sunday newspaper in the Twin Cities area with daily circulation in excess of 360,000 and Sunday circulation of approximately 600,000.

Is Star Tribune a daily newspaper? ›

Star Tribune may have come a long way from its beginning as the Minneapolis Tribune 150 years ago, but its focus remains the same: delivering more of what matters to Minnesota. All day. Every day.

What is the largest printed newspaper? ›

Top newspapers by circulation
1The New York TimesUSA
2The Yomiuri ShimbunJapan
3The Asahi ShimbunJapan
16 more rows


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.